[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Training Room B [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [color=E948FC]"Well, Spicy-that's your nickname now btw, you're welcome,"[/color] Danni said over his shoulder to the short stack at his back. [Color=E948FC]"You might as well pull the trigger 'cause then at least I'd be just like my dreams, dead in a heap on the ground."[/color] Danni grumbled, arms crossed in front of him as he pouted. The three of them were so excited; they'd been sure the trio would have been on a team together and between the radio silence from Princess and Dee's just straight up acceptance of the situation, Danni felt the motivation to be here start plummeting. Still, he leaned over to Beanie while giving Dee a thumbs up on managing to fuck with the teacher. [color=E948FC] "You're gunna spill t'e beans later, right? Like, dance, drink, spill t'e tea? Regularly fuck with him wit' whatever spooky shit you got outta 'is 'ead?"[/color] Danni stage whispered to her, while maintaining eye contact with Nemo. He decided he didn't like Nemo. Not picking Princess was an insult to her, which was an insult to all three of them, and then just [i]brushing[/i] him off instead giving into his demands was just the nail in the coffin. Old guy was a dick. Yes, he was encouraging and yes, he was probably very likable but he broke the three of them up and that meant he was the devil. Danni partically swooned into Beanie's arms at her declaration at Spicy. [color=E948FC]"Aw, you love me! I love you too!"[/color] Danni beamed and then whirled around on Zelda. [color=E948FC]"Okay, now Zelds, listen. T'at… I don't know if t'at was right but t'at doesn't matter. What matters is [i]confidence[/i], the [i]presentation[/i]. Eyes on t'e prize and t'e prize is 'is mental stability. You're a kickass rockstar who can make flaming bees, alt'ough maybe lay off t'e flaming bees 'cause I ain't tryin' ta be Hootsifer ta Dee's Lilith and all t'at jazz, and t'at beats weird time jumps any day!"[/color]