[quote=@Magnanimity] I haven’t even mentioned the racially charged discussion. Because you dislike our guest who was hostile to you when you [i]randomly showed up uninvited to the home of a man who is trying to stay hidden[/i], you developed: A.) An expectation for us to get “near slaughtered”, and B.) A desire to watch it play out. Does that not sound a little antagonizing? A [i]little[/i], teensy tiny bit? [/quote] Well that's just great, how was I supposed to know that? I came here randomly, not on purpose, so him wanting to stay hidden is news to me. Further, my expectation was exclusive to her, because she's going to get hurt if she's being that way, that's the way that things work. Constant hatred dulls people, and that's going to get her hurt. [i]Further[/i] further, laughing at her messing up isn't the same as wanting her to get hurt. There's a gulf between those things. But at least your part is understandable now, even if it's not totally right. Plus, it's natural to get antagonizing once someone's antagonized you. Being bio-mechanical doesn't make me immune to that.