[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker’s eyes flickered open. He wiped the sleep from his eyes. He placed his hand on his head, his heart raced and his mind drowned in the thoughts of that night. The menacing event which changed his life. His recurring dream usually prevented him from having a peaceful nap, But he was back to full energy and that was the point. Ever since Barracker was inflicted with vampirism, he did not require full episodes of sleep. Just a few hours here and there to restore his energy, especially if he went roaming about under the blazing sun. Barracker rose off the bed and checked his pouch, just to see how many vials he had. He unclipped the mask from his belt and put it on. Even though people couldn’t see his face through the mask, he could see through it. It was enchanted. It also offered some protection from the scorching heat of the sun. He left his weapon in his room knowing it wasn’t too far away. [color=Green]“I should pay my respects to Hades, then I will see how the old man is doing.”[/color] As he was walking down the corridor towards the shrine room he saw Areleth with someone he thought was a priest but realised it was a cleric when they turned into the ritual chamber. [color=Green]“A new cleric. This should be interesting,”[/color] Barracker muttered to himself as he approached. He posted up outside the room, in the cover of shadows. Barracker watched the ceremony take place as the results were more than fascinating. A bit of water managed to hit his boots in the explosive reaction. [color=Green]“A cleric with all eighteen gods. That's unheard of.”[/color] He was even more surprised as Areleth called his name and offered his sword to the man's adventurers party. He went along with it of course. This was the high septum talking. Barracker had learned to take orders without questioning them, after serving in the army as a teenager, and joining the order of paladins when he woke up one day with the gift of the source crystal. Barracker looked into the clerics eyes and seen a fierce spirit, it was a first impression that the paladin respected. Barracker took his mask off and tilted his head as a greeting to the man Areleth had called James. [color=6ecff6]"Sooo Barracker was it?[/color] [color=Green]“Barracker Kassel, at your service.”[/color] Barracker said in a formal manner. [color=6ecff6]Do you, ah, mind if I talk with my party before we agree to anything? We are staying at the Mended Drum if you want to look for us tomorrow"[/color] [color=Green]“Understandable.”[/color] Barracker nodded. [color=Green]“I’ll be outside the mended drum in the morning.”[/color] After James and Areleth left his sight, he went to pay his respect to Hades. After that he would need to speak to Areleth and ask him what all this was about.