[CENTER][img]https://i.postimg.cc/L5GsZ5sv/a195ca2580892c2f64767511da4ce176.png [/img][/center] [color=d3c28b]"Yes, I... Understand, General Kvarr."[/color] Nellara said, breathing deeply as she heard his words in silence. Even though she didn't like the General's passive stance towards Silbermine and the Mythadians, she knew how much experience he had against the S'tor. To claim she could understand and foresee their actions better than he could would be arrogant of her... And she knew that well. In another hand, just as the General mentioned, there were other ways of dealing with Silbermine without having to give in to his provocations... [color=d3c28b]"Depending on the outcome of this situation, we could even demand reparations from Mythadia for Silbermine's actions. He did, after all, gather a small army inside our borders. If his provocation attempts don't have any results, he will have a lot to answer when he goes back to Mythadia..."[/color] Nellara said, thinking after considering the General's words. Until that moment, she could agree with the General's words with no issue, but when he mentioned they should treat the Mythadians as guests, she frowned her brows, looking at him with a shocked expression. [color=d3c28b]"With all respect, General... Guests do not bring armed soldiers inside our borders, nor they gather a small army and establish a military camp... Our 'guest' clearly sees us as unworthy of giving us the honor and respect his tradition demands him to. While I am not suggesting we should take an offensive posture, I am suggesting we should stand our ground and protect our borders."[/color] Nellara said with a firm expression. [color=d3c28b]"We don't need to show any courtesy to those who showed us none. We aren't a weak and pitiful nation to allow them to step on our pride as they want. As long as we act defensively, we won't give them any reason to attack us."[/color] Nellara finished, looking to the General and expectantly waiting for his decision.