Juuuuust gonna throw this in the ring! [hider=Shin-ae Yun] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/9a5cd1e8570edabe73ff18caff43d7a7.png[/img] [sub]18 [color=black][b]-[/b][/color] Capricorn[color=black][b]-[/b][/color] Senior[color=black][b]-[/b][/color] 5'8" [color=black][b]-[/b][/color] Lee Bo-young[/sub] [img]https://media.tenor.com/fcYoJIxZTKgAAAAd/lee-bo-young-south-korean-actress.gif[/img] [quote=Shin-ae Yun][color=A6FFF2]"I get called heartless a lot, and every time I want to scream."[/color][/quote][/center] [hr] [indent][indent][sub][sub][color=A6FFF2][h3][b]Appearance Details[/b][/h3][/color][/sub][/sub] [indent][color=silver]Tall and lithe, Shin-ae cuts quite a recognizable figure walking through the halls. While she couldn't be called [i]buxom[/i] by any stretch of the imagination, she is not entirely devoid of curves; she does have an unmistakably feminine shape with a modest bust. Her angular pale face is framed by silky, pin-straight black hair that falls to somewhere just north of the small of her back, and set with eyes that are dark enough brown to be nearly the same. That face is set with a near-permanent expression annoyance or frustration. Combined with the prim way that she tends to carry herself, it tends to give people the impression that she doesn't like them, regardless of anything that she might actually feel regarding them. Or, to put it simply: she has a [i]colossal[/i] resting bitch face. She has (or had, evidently) a closet filled with proper clothing. Button-down shirts and blouses, pencil skirts, cashmere cardigans, most done up in monochrome. She is looked at somewhat strangely sometimes, as her bearing and clothing combined with her overall attitude lend her an air of professionalism beyond her years, one that is far more formal than her [i]actual[/i] genuine thought processes. [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][sub][sub][color=A6FFF2][h3][b]Characterization[/b][/h3][/color][/sub][/sub] [indent][color=silver]A whole [i]lot[/i] of Student Council President Shin-ae's life has been defined through expectation. Being the child of two Korean immigrants, she was, from the beginning, subjected to the [i]tiger mom[/i] style of parenting, with all that entails. She had expectations HEAPED on her. Things that she needed to do. Things that were demanded of her, or else she'd be yelled out. The stringent rules in her household couldn't be called [i]entirely[/i] negative, as they did impart to her a great deal of tenacity and discipline. But that's not really a consolation to a child so choked under those expectations, and while straight A's and knowing how to play the violin might impress her mother's co-workers, they do very little to prepare one for speaking with your peers on any meaningful level. On that note, this has had a number of effects on how she interacts with others, first being 'the Shin-ae Stare,' dubbed as such by her vice president; that terrible resting bitch face that dogs her feet. She has a reputation among the student body for being a hardass, and the persistent reminds that she gives about decorum and conduct, something that she's a bit picky about, really has not helped. Consequently, Shin-ae is alone a great deal of the time; not only is she not really allowed to hang out with friends outside of school because of the draconian rules of her household, but there are few enough people who know what she's actually like. Which is quite personable, actually; she's not relaxed and laughing all the time, obviousl, but she's friendly and helpful enough, and if you pay enough attention you can find the streak of dry humor that she has under the surface. And it's a very good thing that she's started flaunting her parents' rules now and then to spend time with other people. Because just like preparing one for a social life, those straight A report cards and violin recitals have done very, very little in preparing her for the apocalypse.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][sub][sub][color=A6FFF2][h3][b]Character Notes[/b][/h3][/color][/sub][/sub] [indent][color=silver] - Her mother works for a prominent tech company in a fairly high position. Shin-ae has no idea where she is right now. - Her father is a freelance photographer who works from home. She's extremely worried about him.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][sub][sub][color=A6FFF2][h3][b]Inventory[/b][/h3][/color][/sub][/sub] [indent][color=silver]N/A[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] [/hider]