I will start by saying the attention to detail in constructing this RP and the cultivation of an active player base that was invested in the world and characters to the point we were cheering on every single damn post is a remarkable feat. I haven't loved writing with a community as much as I've enjoyed writing with this community. But, as our thoughts are being asked, I have a few. Honestly, not that surprised this is how things have turned out. We've had the brakes slammed on us several times after finding a solid groove early on, and it makes sense to end things here where they stand. There's no point in trying to keep this rolling, because there is no momentum. This RP was abandoned before this post was made, and it wasn't abandoned by the players. I very much enjoyed RPing with everyone here. I loved the characters and the dynamics we were building. Despite the GM packing their toys and going home, I would love to write something of a similar style and vibe one day with you all, but perhaps with less restriction and railroading.