I'm going to be dead honest here and admit that I did see this coming a mile away. Frankly, I do enjoy writing with the cast, the setting, etc. It has honestly been fun to write, and PRCU has been one of the first roleplays in a long, [i]long[/i] time that I've tossed post after post out on-time or earlier than required. Nevertheless, given the choice of stopping the roleplay now or continuing on until September, I am going to have to agree with the former. Writing towards a story's end is one thing, writing until we hit the inevitable chopping block is another. It takes the wind out of my sails, and I do not have any interest in continuing a roleplay that will be suddenly dropped in a few months, especially prior to any of the actual "meat" of the roleplay is represented in the story (classes, for instance). Additionally, [@webboysurf] covers my other qualms with his post above. The brakes on this roleplay have been slammed repeatedly, and as of the last few weeks we've ran straight into a brick wall. Any and all momentum we might've had at this point has completely petered out while we've waited for the time skip post. I understand real life can get in the way of roleplaying, and that this is of course a hobby, but the player base was upheld to consistent deadlines. I know some people had extensions, but truthfully it does leave a sour taste in my mouth to watch everything go up in smoke after weeks of waiting for a post despite upholding my end of what is essentially a "contract". It is what it is, though. Good luck in whatever comes next, Wraith.