I mean, he could have just ghosted us if he wanted to. I do get the feelings of upset. It's a good story, a good setting, great cast, and Wraith's put in a lot of work, and we've all been waiting hopeful to keep going. And wanting to get that disappointment off your chest is perfectly reasonable, but real life is something I'm sure we've all seen get in the way of our stories here. It's happened to me plenty, and I know it's always a cleaner, more pleasant finish when people have the guts and courtesy to admit that they're not feeling it anymore or have gotten too busy and just can't keep up, or that they will be in the future, instead of up and vanishing and leaving you hanging. I know I've been guilty of ghosting people a time or three. I'm not proud of it, but the upset that sometimes gets directed at you when you do admit these troubles can go a long way in making it harder to resist that ghosting temptation the next time... I'm just glad Wraith's given me a fun few months and there's been some great writing to enjoy and that he's been open about the difficulties of GMing and continuing. Putting in the time to write collaboratively is certainly an agreement and a time investment, but it should in no way be turned into an obligation. It's a hobby, not a job. (no matter how often I wish I could turn it into one... >.> but then I'd probably start hating it...)