[color=f6989d]Starfire's appearance outside his door caused Alrick to startle slightly. He was usually pretty good at picking up on footsteps approaching, but this whole time travel situation had his full attention.[/color] "Oh, thanks, but no thanks, Star. I've got some other stuff I gotta' take care of." [color=f6989d]Fortunately, the doorbell called the alien girl away before she could pry into what "stuff" could be. Alrick didn't have a fib ready at all. He should probably work on that, though. A new girl in the tower was bound to draw attention. Alrick listened at the doorway for a moment, making sure the hall was good and empty.[/color] "Okay, if anyone asks, you're my cousin from out of town." [color=f6989d]Was that a bad cover? They almost certainly didn't look anything alike. At least the albinism could explain that away on [i]his[/i] part. Still, Alrick had never really talked about his family before. Would the others question a random cousin visit too much? He just had to hope for the best. Alrick led the way down the hall and to the elevator. They could take this one to the main floor, but then they would have to cross a massive shared living space to reach the elevator to the basement. Alrick was sure he could play it cool, but what about his new guest?[/color]