[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] Her imagination guessed on what the Wtich Queen looked like, with each new mental image becoming progressively more horrifying. Thankfully Zell nudged her out of it, drawing her gaze onto his. His words were exactly what she needed to hear. She wanted to sit and think things through, but her mind was drawn to self-defeating thoughts of what was to come. There was wisdom in his advice, and his confidence was infectious. A smile fought through her worried expression. "...We're going to be alright. Okay?" She nodded. [color=Pink]"Okay."[/color] Thank God for macho dummies. Often annoying, always impossible, yet sometimes they were exactly the comfort a girl needed. As Frederick drew Zell's attention, MacKensie smiled to herself as she looked down at her drink, grateful for the group of friends she had around her - a vibrant mix of personalities that she found herself quickly growing attached to. Second Chance would prevail. "You know, that fruit juice was probably a little on the cheap side. Not sure I'd feel right counting that as one of the drinks I owe you. How about we settle that debt another night?" [color=Pink]"Yes, I would like that,"[/color] she replied. Then added cheekily, [color=Pink]"And you cannot count that drink anyway, seeing as you paid for everybody's. I want two drinks [i]specially[/i] for me only."[/color] "You also owe me one too, now that I think about it. I seem to remember teleporting halfway across the battlefield to be your knight in shining armour. Yep. Seem to remember it quite well." [color=Pink]"Ah yes."[/color] How could she forget; One second the sword was coming down on her, the next, he was there. What a rush. It would be much easier to simply minus one of the drinks owed off of his own debt. But that would also be less fun. [color=Pink]"Then I will buy you one [i]only after[/i] I have recieved the two you owe me."[/color] "So, it's a date then." [color=Pink]"It is a date,"[/color] she agreed, returning his smirk, before suddenly realising what she'd said. The realisation wiped the smirk off her face and she felt herself turning as red as a wide-eyed tomato. [color=Pink]"I mean..."[/color] she turned her nose up at him. [color=Pink]"...you can pay for the drinks and then leave the vicinity so that I might enjoy them without your annoying bravado."[/color] The visual of such a scenario made her giggle and broke the tension stiffening her body. Just then, James interrupted to let them know he was gathering everyone for an important discussion. [color=Pink]"Of course,"[/color] she answered him. Then she looked back at the swordsman and couldn't help but chuckle again. [color=Pink]"You are incorrigible, Zell Brooks."[/color] Once the party were together again and James told them about the High Septum's offer, MacKensie thought about it a little before nodding. [color=Pink]"I think it would be wise to accept the help. An experienced warrior of the Church would be useful, especially for our next task. And, as an aside, we might risk unnecessarily offending the Church if we refuse."[/color]