[hr][hr][center][h3][color=d19f6a][b]Ed Penior[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cfmjDDM.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=d19f6a]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=d19f6a]Skills:[/color][/b] [hr][/center] Ed did not recognize the name the elder had given. Or the voice. So when they spoke his name and his mother's name he was confused. It was not the first time he had met someone out of order. He was getting a sinking feeling it would not be the last. But when their face was revealed, it was the expression. The way they held themself. That is what told Ed who was before him. He knew if he had his collection of carefully labeled vials he would have the hair of this woman. He was not meeting her out of order. [color=d19f6a]"Comrade and friend. If you still consider me as such. I do consider you as such. It has not been so long for me as it has been for you."[/color] Ed didn't know how much he could possibly aid Runa. She had always been strong in her magic. Her magic, of course, was different than his. Now she was ancient, and an Asgardian looking that old must be older than Ed could fathom. [color=d19f6a]"I can only provide so much aid at this time. I do not know much of what is going on."[/color] He told her honestly. [color=d19f6a]"I have a letter from Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, but that does not answer the question of where we are."[/color] Considering they both had the cloaks and Eye of Agamotto he suspected they had the same letter.