[hider=Aisede CS (WIP)] [hider=Image] [center][img]???[/img][/center][/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] ??? [b]Name:[/b] Hinode [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Faction:[/b] World Serpent (formerly Mount Taixuan) [b]Age:[/b] 18-19 [b]Valkyrie or Chevalier:[/b] Valkyrie [b]Origin:[/b] Disciple of Taixuan [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Grades:[/b] [list] [*]Power: C (+1) [*]Endurance: D (-1) [*]Agility: C (+1) [*]Intellect: D (+1) [*]Honkai: D [*]Burst: D [/list] [b]Type:[/b] [color=f26522][b]Biologic[/b][/color] [b]Element:[/b] [color=fff200]Lightning[/color]. Lightning can paralyze foes with a large enough shock or enough cumulative blows, empower or fry electronics, and generally unleash much mayhem. [b]Discipline:[/b] Blade (short/katana). [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=https://honkaiimpact3.fandom.com/wiki/Lightning_Soul]Lightning Soul[/url] [list] [*]Ability: St. 7308 Labs designed this saber for arming Valkyries. Vast amounts of Honkai energy particles adhere to the surface of the blade. The blade has a unique shape, not to enhance its performance but rather a personal design choice. This weapon is essentially a super-taser, to a rather lethal degree. Arcs of electricity snap off its surface upon contact with any surface. It also seems to mildly enhance the penetrative power of lightning attacks performed by the wielder. Not quite enough to ignore a rank of Endurance normally, but when the user channels a Burst-tier feat of Honkai manipulation through the blade, it finally magnifies it enough to do so. [/list] [b]SWARA:[/b] If you aren't a Disciple of Taixuan, remove this section. Otherwise, delete the Stigmata section instead. If you have SWARA, your martial training has taught you to manipulate the "Ki" inside your body to gradually cultivate and improve your natural adaptability to Honkai energy. Through extensive hard work and mystical teachings, you learned to alter the flow of Honkai energy within you, forever changing you into a supernatural existence. As a benefit of allowing your body to gradually adjust, you suffer none of the reduced lifespan issues Artificial Stigmata inflict. Conversely, however, your more grounded human nature leaves you more vulnerable to Honkai corruption than a Natural Stigmata would provide, and you are -generally speaking- a lot more "squishy" than a Valkyrie, relying far more on skill and not getting hit at all to carry the day. +1 to two stats of choice other than Endurance or Agility (cannot be the same stat), +1 to Agility, -1 to Endurance. [b]Battlesuit:[/b] ??? [list] [*]Features: Communications, GPS, subspace storage, and sensors to measure local Honkai Miasma levels. [*]Time Fracture: A legacy ability from a past Era, this technology and technique was developed after extensive study of the core of the Herrscher of the Void, eventually culminating in a mimicry of a single aspect of its abilities. Time Fracture partially displaces the user's temporal and spatial profile, casting the world around them into shades of purple from their viewpoint and -furthermore- into slow motion while leaving the user -from their perspective- moving at normal speeds. When a Valkyrie uses this ability, they effectively increase their Agility by one level for a single post or about 5-10 seconds, whichever is shorter IC, giving them the opportunity to dodge some form of peril and potentially retaliate in the same timeframe. Time Fracture accrues a very particular kind of strain, and as such, it has a large enough cooldown that it can usually only be used once per battle. [/list] [b]Burst:[/b] [list] [*]Rank: D [*]Duration: 1 rounds/instant. [*]Modifier Points: 5 (+1 Ranged Slash, +1 to Honkai, +1 Paralysis) (2 points to spend) [*]Effect: Unleashes a single, monstrous slash of thrumming plasma and lightning out to 60 ft/20 meters. Or multiple/seven cuts? Raises her Honkai stat by 1 rank for one round, as she enhances her control over lightning and attempts to inflict paralysis on any creature struck by the beam. If successful, paralysis lasts for a single round. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] List any notable mundane skillsets or talents you might have, but do keep them within reason. As a rule of thumb, I expect your backstory to explain or otherwise easily imply exactly where each skill originated from. Example skills could be wilderness survival, cooking, piloting planes, any languages you know (at least passable English should be among them as a mandatory skill), and any particular acumen with technology (whether constructing or manipulating it). [b]Gear:[/b] Include notable assets, utilities and other equipment here. You are free to draw from any existing Present Era tech from the series within reason. Keep in mind you are low-ranking Valkyries, and the resources you can requisition for your missions are limited until you prove your worth. You should typically keep this within what you can carry on your person, either on hand or in your battlesuit's subspace. [b]Personality:[/b] You know the drill. Give us an idea of what they are at least like at a casual impression. What drives them? What annoys them? Likes? Dislikes? Dreams? Consider the Kakashi introduction as a template for the absolute minimum. A single paragraph is fine, of course, but more than that certainly wouldn't go amiss. [b]Biography:[/b] A couple paragraphs preferred. You don't need a novel, but this section should answer such questions as: What lifestyle did they grow up under? Why did they become a Valkyrie? Please note that whatever your backstory, your character should remain by the end of it a relative rookie to fighting the Honkai, pretty much freshly graduated/ranked up to a point where you're allowed to fight. Playing an "experienced senior", "ancient hero" or other archetype that would narratively only justify exceptionally honed skills and abilities is not allowed. [/hider]