[center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 372 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]4[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 159/40 [b]Location[/b]: Dystopiascape - Midgar[/center] In the morning, Pit dragged his feet a little in getting up. He was awake and lounging in one of the random bunks he'd claimed late last night, going over all of the information from yesterday again in his mind. It still felt like he had so, so many questions and barely any answers - and not just about Midgar. The Consuls were such a confusing element of the world. There was the nature of that red spirit too, but when he'd checked on it last he'd found it faded away. The loud, alarm-like ringing that filled the building pushed Pit into instant action. Nearly tripping in his haste he skidded into the kitchen where the sound had come from. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"What's going on?!"[/color] Upon noticing the call in progress Pit tilted his head curiously, but didn't say anything else until the conversation was completed. When it was he shook his head in disappointment. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I can't believe they're fighting each other when there's so much more important stuff they could be doing, like helping people!"[/color] He said. Then, after a beat, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"...okay, I [i]can[/i] believe it but it's still dumb."[/color] He was through the portal with the rest of the Seekers as soon as everyone was ready, back at the venue of last night's debate within seconds. The scene was chaotic and a little ominous, immediately proving the words of the caller true. Said stranger stepped out to greet the group soon after, going over the current situation with two pairs of attendants at her side. She had introduced herself as Sandalphon. Pit was surprised that this was the person on the other end of the phone line. He was getting a strange read from her, so much so that it almost distracted him from listening to what she was saying. It was probably obvious to anyone with eyes that she wasn't human, but besides that it was hard to tell. Was the halo over her head even real? He came back to the topic at hand when his group started to declare what sections they'd be tackling. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I'll head to Security too,"[/color] he decided. Depending on what they found there, maybe it would be possible to put a faster stop to the conflict. [indent][/indent] [center][abbr=Octopath Travelers][img]https://i.ibb.co/88KWNj5/OTbanner.png[/img][/abbr] [sup]____________________________________________________[/sup] [color=FFC6C6][u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 185/80[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][u]Level[/u]: [b]6[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 124/60[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=lightgray]Word Count: 532 (+1 exp) [b]Location[/b]: The Under[/color][/center] The round of stories ended with Ms. Fortune, who as promised talked about her experience in the Dead Zone. It was a harrowing tale, but more than that... it seemed that the Feral also remembered more of her life in this world than some others did. Primrose didn't bring it up again, but she did make a mental note of it. The question of [i]why?[/i] stuck in her mind, but as she'd already decided to get Asgore to make good on his promise later she pushed the thoughts to one side. The Seekers finished up their breakfast and took as many leftovers to go as possible - and then some. The newest addition to the team introduced himself as Artorias, though his title meant nothing to the group. The Travelers gave him the courtesy of their names as well, and once everyone was ready they all trudged into the Staff Only area and through the door that would lead to the way out. Though they knew it to be the way up the tower, Primrose and Therion hadn't expected to take them right to the top. The view from where they were was portentous, similar and yet so different from all of the caverns they'd seen so far. [i]Just how big is this place?[/i] Therion wondered, glancing suspiciously up at the dim light above the area. Did the Under, as its name implied, stretch beneath the entire world of light? Were they going to have to scour every inch of it? Before that, the Pizza Tower's boss came to greet them. It didn't speak, only laughed, but it was hardly intimidating. Some poked fun at it, which Primrose thought was warranted. Having just learned what pizza was, she supposed to boss of a whole pizza themed tower would also be... pizza. First to the fray was Artorias, swiftly followed by Sectonia and the Koopa Troop summoning minions of their own. With battle already beginning, the Travelers did their part in the ways most typical to them: outside of melee range. Therion didn't add to the pile of summons, instead staying behind the front line and aiming his throwing daggers at the boss. He had no idea if this thing was an actual food golem or what, but he tested the effects of his blades on it, probing for a weak point. The daggers sank into the cheese of its face, the nose, the pepperoni and pineapple eyes both. Since Sectonia had already buffed the Seekers' speed, Primrose decided to go on the offensive rather than offer a buff of her own. At the moment, Pizza Face came off as a pushover anyway - had she danced it might have been overkill. [color=D34C25]"Luna Λ,"[/color] she said, raising an arm and pointing it towards the giant floating pizza while casting the spell. The image of crescent moons traced the ground of the tower's roof, and though they were meant for Pizza Face they erupted in small explosions of magic when a hapless monster stumbled into them. With the stage so crowded, friendly fire with the Seekers' own summons was inevitable. The dancer clicked her tongue and switched tactics, changing to the more familiar and controllable spells. [color=D34C25]"Moonlight Waltz!"[/color] The spell surged at Pizza Face directly, washing him in dark magic.