Fenna was about to retire for the night in her room when James found her and asked her to come for a moment. She took a sip from the ale but left it in her room before going to where James wanted everyone to meet. Maybe she'd have a moment to herself after this meeting. Hopefully it wouldn't take long, she needed some rest after the long day of walking and fighting and more walking. Once everyone was together and James explained the situation, Fenna pondered his words. MacKensie was the first to share her thoughts and she found herself nodding to what she said. "If he understands the risks and wants to join us, I have no objections," she said. "We have a gold contract waiting for us and we can probably use the help, especially if he is from here. We know too little about this world, I'd feel better having a native with us." She paused for a moment. "And I'm not in the contracts for the fame and glory, I'd be happy to share that with anyone who can help us, I just want to know what the message is that is waiting for us." She sat back after that, she had given her thoughts and now she'd wait and see how the others felt about it. In the end, the decision wasn't hers to make, but she appreciated James had brought it up for discussion first. A sign of good leadership.