Abigail Thompson, or Abbey as she preferred, had taken to the stage as a young girl. First in dance, later in magic. Of course the type of magic she dabbled in, was a tad more complicated than mere card tricks and slight of hand; though she very much enjoyed such parlor tricks in her youth. Having grown up in the city of lights, Las Vegas had become something of a reflection to her on the world. Full of wonder, infested with danger, and just begging for spectacle. Of course, to the 'muggles' as her posh counterparts called them, it was another matter entirely. Abbey rather liked the simple mindedness of the common people, finding them rather whimsy in their own way. Having to make due in a world devoid of actual magic, she rather liked the 'No-Maj'. They were silly things, with their trinkets and plain foods, but innovative as well. True their cars couldn't fly, but that didn't stop them from taking to the stars. Quite remarkable she thought, which was why she herself didn't mind living among them. The Terrific Topsy Thompson might not roll off the tongue, but it played to her strengths. True, her attire might have been frowned upon, sporting the fishnets, top hat, and dress of a simple performer, but she preferred to that way. Her time at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had taught her the value of the simple approach, and making oneself as unremarkable as possible; though that might not have been the Thunderbird way. Very few wizards took her as seriously as they should, and frankly, that was fine with her. Just like the No-Maj that she was fond of, she took had quite a bit in store for the dullard that found her insulting. Within the Mirage Resort and Casino, she went about preparing for her act. The .44 revolver she had secured for the act ahead felt so odd in her hands. No-Maj favored these rather much. Perhaps too much. Opening the box full of the small strange metal canisters, it took her little time to slide them into the empty chamber, and clamp it shut. She had never tried this trick before, so hopefully it would be fun. Her Thunderbird core quivered from her waistcoat, to which she patted it gently. Funny how this thing worked at times. The stage hand behind her caught her attention, her hand reaching for her top hat, pushing back a black curl as she smiled to him. [color=7ea7d8]"Yes?"[/color] He seemed to be in a daze for a moment, before he stuttered out a few words. [color=8dc73f]"Miss Topsy, the manager is still waiting for your explanation of the trick, he's...concerned."[/color] She snickered, a hand patting the young man on the shoulder, the loaded firearm still in her hand. She raised the weapon up, wiggling it to show the man. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm just going to shoot myself with this, and see what happens. He need not fret."[/color] She laughed in delight at seeing the man's bewilderment, and prepared for the next hour of verbal sparring. She was a witch after all, and she mustn't reveal all her tricks. No-Maj seemed to be more disappointed when they learned they were seeing actual magic after all.