[@Expendable] Stanley is good! I really enjoy the idea that gargoyles just kind of crop up on rooftops with enough magic associated with them. As a result, both libraries and churches are common birth places. I'll add him to my relationship sheet, but just to say that Georgia is firmly unable to see him. Is SEP a Hitchhiker's Guide reference? We need to talk briefly about the telepathy, because this is something I wanted to touch on, but haven't gotten around to. Magic that affects the minds of others has a lot of baggage around it, and many people consider it inherently "dark". Reading minds is an incredible invasion of privacy, obviously. But even sending telepathic messages can range from being considered very rude, to being considered a form of violence. The severity varies both on the exact nature and context of the contact, and personal opinion. Obviously there's a question of informed consent which can change the perception a great deal as well. Of course, some magical creatures have such abilities natively, and how they are viewed varies in much the same way as humans using mind magic. Additionally, when it is a natural ability, there are going to be people who feel uncomfortable or even fearful around creatures like this. There are also people who are more understanding, and will be more patient(if somewhat on guard) about it. In no way at all am I telling you not to include this in the character, but I want you to understand that it's a really touchy subject before you write scenes with the character. Because that's something that Stanley would certainly understand about the people around him. [quote=@naomimyselfandi] Hey hey! Sorry for the delay - I've been sick, like I said. Aoife's sheet is up, along with her relationships. [/quote] No worries, I'm not stressing about pacing here. And honestly, I had some delays myself.