[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [H3]The Under ~ Pizza Face[/h3] [b]Word Count:[/b] 566 [b]Level 5 Ganondorf:[/b] 12/50 [b]Exp:[/b] 1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 13/50[/center] Ganondorf's mood had begun to sour when it became clear they'd have to deal with Pizza Face. Just when he thought they'd go one morning without having to fight something. Well it had to be done, and there was no use complaining about it. So the Gerudo just accompanied the other Seekers through the Staff Only door. What they found on the other side was... not at all what Ganondorf. Given the nature of the Tower he expected something much more food-themed. Not something quite this fantastic. And then Pizza Face himself showed up. He was quite literally a floating pizza that resembled a face. And here Ganondorf thought that the name was simply metaphorical. Silly him. The fighting almost immediately started. Most everyone jumped into action and went to work. Artorias went for a direct assault, while the Travelers went for a more indirect assault. Meanwhile the other royals set about summoning hordes of their minions to do the fighting for them. Ganondorf thought for a moment about doing that himself, but drew his two swords instead. Some days a warlord just wanted to battle his enemies and crush them personally. Ganondorf walked a few steps forward, letting himself get surrounded by Piglins and Forknights. Pigs? Food? How was anyone supposed to take this kind of enemy seriously? The Gerudo got started with a gout of purple fire from his Violet Flare. After that he swung his swords in sweeping, crisscross motions all around him. His size and the length of his blades made it difficult for the Piglins and Forknights to get close enough to strike. Then with a final sweeping circular slash, Ganondorf finished off the group minions around him. Then he quickly looked for another swarm of minions in order to do it all over again. The others could try and attack Pizza Face head-on if they wanted. Ganondorf was going to wait until the time was right. The Gerudo waded through group after of group of Pizza Face's minions. Most of them didn't even register as a threat to him. His two swords became a slow whirlwind of pain and death around him. Crushing or cleaving any minion that dared to come at him. And all the while, the power of Darkness gradually built up in Ganondorf's blades. The more he swung and attacked, the more violently they glowed with dark power that further increased their strength. But rather than unleash it like he had done in Pig City, Ganondorf instead chose to hold onto the power his swords were building up. After all, this would allow him to be a terror on the battlefield and easily wipe out swathes of enemy minions. But more importantly he didn't want to unload his full power until he was given a prime opportunity to do so against Pizza Face himself. And as long as the floating pizza freak remained high above them, then whatever damage Ganondorf could do to him would be minimal due to that factor. One of the others would surely force him down to the ground soon enough. All the King of Evil had to do, was wait for that opportunity and wipe out enemy minions in the meantime.