[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 8: 06/80 Word Count: Location: Home of Tears Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 8: 07/80 [/center] [hr] — After listening to the story, Jesse felt that she could probably become real friends with most of the Seekers with a little more time. [i]Right now it just feels like we’re close allies because of all the battles we fight together. But they’re all so…likeable. Most of them, anyway. It’s nice.[/i] The next day, their quest for the Quest Items continued. Right now their best bet was facing down Pizza Face. At the top of the tower, the boss emerged. Jesse blinked. “Pizza…Face. Pizza Face. Yeah, I don’t know what I was expecting.” She said. She wondered if he had the piece on him, where he’d be hiding it. [i]Is it one of the toppings?[/i] As she began to sprint and Float and fire her gun at the minions, she couldn’t help but laugh at the absurd imagery of the brave knight taunting the giant floating pizza. “To be honest, not sure if he’s going to be very receptive to insults to his honor.” Jesse said. It seemed like the minions were mostly covered, so Jesse figured it was time to start putting holes into the guy. Floating above the fray she switched her Service Weapon to Spin. Pizza Face was a big, unarmored target, so the damage of Spin should hypothetically be the highest out of all her weapons even at mid-range. She began to fire into his cheesy face, Levitating while strafing. After her gun began to steam, overheated, she dropped to the floor and Evaded pre-emptively to cause Pizza Face to lose her. Then she saw Ichiban cut through some Forknights. One barely survived. “Let me get this one, Ichiban!” Jesse called out. She had been meaning to try this move out. She reached her hand out and locked psychically with the Forknight. A thin blue tendril of energy connected him to her, and he was stunned by the sudden intrusion into his mind. Jesse squeezed her hand slowly like she was crushing a stress ball. Then there was a release, and a blue clarity seemed to overtake the Forknight’s mind. Now he was under Jesse’s control, having Seized his will. The Forknight turned on his fellows, distracting and damaging the other minions to give Jesse’s allies a little bit of extra breathing room. “Nice. Glad that’s working again.” Jesse said.