To go off the offering suggestions for the sort of world building and direction of the RP, if we go with something like #2: I'll be straight up, I like the idea, but I may have read a different vibe from the rehabilitation than others. What I read by it, especially when talking about "instilling morality," is this has similar vibes to troubled teen and conversion therapy camps. That is probably a conversation of tone and intentionality about the program that might be a broader discussion. I think the rehabilitation program being a bad entity in the world can inspire interesting stories, but it'd definitely something we should figure out the tone of. I know we were talking at a certain point about a Runaways type RP vibe at one point in the Discord. I don't know how linear or sandbox we are planning to go, but I imagine most of the characters that might be transferring from PRCU or being developed wholesale for this might be less than enthused about the program. It might be helpful to leave room, or make preparations, for the RP to change or develop into another direction of a group of these people to either break free or get out and try to do things in a more ethical way... or trying to figure out what that means. It's more a down the road thing, but I figured I'd toss this rambling nonsense out in the open as a jumping point if anyone else can pick up what I put down and say it better.