[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZCrkic.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DtnixpY.png?2[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Home of Tears - Crumble Cavern [b]Level:[/b] 3 [b]Experience:[/b] 71/30 ([i]Level up available[/i]) [b]Word Count:[/b] <750 ([i]+1 EXP[/i])[/center] Rubick listened to everyone's stories about how they came to be in this world, and their time spent within it. Rubick could not help but marvel at how Galeem had taken over so many different worlds and merged them into this amalgamation. While this was happening, Rubick took the time to enjoy a slice of pizza; he had never had any before. It was delightfully cheesy, with a hint of spice and the tangy taste of the tomato sauce. In short, it was delicious. After finishing the piece in his hand, Rubick helped himself to a second slice. He just couldn't resist, it was just that good. Perhaps this Pizza Tower wasn't so bad if it meant he could enjoy such a wonderful meal. Sectonia's antillions came over to Rubick in their attempts to make him "beautiful", but Rubick only allowed them to clean off his robes. Other than the dirt they had accumulated, Rubick was already satisfied with his appearance. The antillions did their job, then scurried off. After they entered the door marked "Staff only", they came face-to-face... with Pizza Face. It also summoned a whole bunch of goons, forcing everyone to combat them and Pizza Face at the same time. He got to work doing what he did best; creating chaos. He jumped from place to place using his Blink Dagger and his Weaver's Warp, helping out where he could. Rubick used Telekinesis to stun groups of random mobs and Fade Bolting others. He also made use of his teammates' abilities, like summoning his own versions of minions using Kamek's spells, using Bowser's [i]Fireball Master[/i] to blast some denser groups of enemies, and taking Ganondorf's [i]Swords of Darkness[/i] to power up his own basic attacks. He then took Primrose's ability for [i]Dark Magic[/i] to continue the assault, blasting Pizza Face with his own version of her Moonlight Waltz. This was Rubick's element; being in a chaotic battlefield and slinging spells. And he was [i]loving[/i] it.