[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] Midgar. She'd nearly taken this city once. Izayoi stared up at the buildings as they approached, her mind taking her back five years in the past. The march on Midgar had been her one strategic masterstroke, intent on carving a decisive advantage for Osprey in a single blow. Her army passed through a lesser-used mountain path and flooded into Edrenian land on a beeline to Midgar. The Edrenians were caught between a rock and a hard place, unable to halt their invasion and march home without exposing their flanks to Osprean forces and risking a total rout. If the other Osprean generals had done their jobs properly, it would have turned out far differently. Instead, one particular glory hog by the name of Takahashi had disregarded his orders completely and joined the counter-invasion from the main roads, thinking to move quickly enough that their absence wouldn't be missed. As a result... ___ [i] [color=#736AFF][b]"Is this a joke?"[/b][/color] General Izayoi narrowed her eyes within the siege camp, her helmet tucked under her shoulder as she glared daggers at the trembling messenger. "N-no, my lady! General Takahashi disregarded orders and attempted to enter Edren through the main roads. The Edrenians caught wind of the manuever and routed his forces from the rear. All reports indicate his death." Izayoi sucked in a deep breath, her expression turning thunderous. Behind her, the city of Midgar was within sight, her army's siege towers and trebuchets finishing the final touches on their construction. They were so close! A single day more, and they could have stormed the walls. But to assault the city now was tactical suicide. There was an army on their heels. A just-taken city wouldn't hold against an attacking force. And even if the army to their rear was routed, she knew for a fact that reinforcements from Balmung were already massing, the Royal Guard among them. No, they didn't have the strength to continue this campaign. At best, she could salvage something from this by destroying the forces that had killed Takahashi, may he burn in the hells, before retreating back into Osprey. [color=#736AFF][b]"Then General Takahashi is fortunate he is no longer alive to face the Emperor's judgement. You are dismissed."[/b][/color] Izayoi turned away from the messenger, already barking orders for the army to prepare to march home. [/i] ___ Her forces had utterly slaughtered the pursuing Edrenians, taking them by surprise as they'd expected to fall against a besieging army looking in the opposite direction. Cold comfort as their sole chance to retake the offensive in the war had slipped away from one man's hunger for glory. She'd even inadvertently avenged him. With a sigh, she forced herself to shove the memories aside for the moment. Dwelling on this was less than productive. Izayoi tucked the brim of her hat down as she wrapped a brown traveling cloak from the wagon around herself, so as to hide her robes and sword. By all accounts, Osprean wanderers weren't too uncommon in the city these days, considering the state of their homeland, but prudence was wise regardless. And speaking of such, Izayoi turned to face the rest of the party. [color=#736AFF][b]"It would be unwise to use my given name within the city. I doubt many would recognize my face, but a mystel samurai with my name would raise too much attention. For the time being, refer to me as...Suzume, if you must."[/b][/color] She hesitated for a moment in choosing an alias, but her daughter's name would have to do. Izayoi had never been a particularly good liar, but Suzume's name was one she would certainly respond to if called out. [color=#736AFF][b]"Now,"[/b][/color] Izayoi looked to Galahad. Even without being the nominal leader of the party, this was his hometown. It made sense to defer to him. [color=#736AFF][b]"What are we to do for lodging? I understand that you most likely should return to your home, but are the rest of us to join you, or ought we find an inn?"[/b][/color] Hiding who she was in a foreign land, operating under a false name...Imir help her, she really was turning into her master.