[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/6a36919105a0d4b7eb98e5380adb1abf.png[/img] After finally wandering out of the woods, Mabel looked curiously at the buildings around her, and the grand palace on the hill, so fun. But this definitely wasn't the sleepy little town she'd been spending the summer in. She clutched her brother's dumb book tighter as she scurried alone through the crowded streets. As she walked, her stomach started to growl. It had been a while since she'd eaten, and she decided to head toward what seemed to be a popular eatery. [color=39b54a]"Welcome to Mudka's Mead & Meat Hut, Home of the Mead and Meat. What'll it be?"[/color] Mabel was a little taken aback by how emotionally worn down the waitress seemed, but she enthusiastically replied, [color=ed145b]“Hi there! Meat I guess? Is mead the only drink on offer? 'Cause I'd really like some juice, maybe apple juice, or grape juice, orange juice, maybe guava. . . oh, and maybe a map? Do you have a map? I seem to have gotten a wee bit lost? See, my brother was fighting this dum-dum and I fell down this hill, and. . . Oh! Never mind, he looks pretty outdoorsy, he probably has a map!”[/color] A few steps towards the Huntsman, Mabel leaned back, [color=ed145b]“I'll still take that meat though.” [/color] Reaching the table where the outdoorsy man was talking to a beautiful red haired young woman, Mabel showed little concern for what conversation in progress she might be interrupting, [color=ed145b]“Excuse me! Hi. So, uh, I was wondering if you might have a map I could burrow, or look at. Or maybe you could just point me in the direction Gravity Falls? That might. . .”[/color] She looks over the table, realizing how many empty seats there still were and immediately became distracted from her train of thought,[color=ed145b]“Oh, say, are you guys having a party? I love parties! The cake, and the music, and the dancing!”[/color]