Trailing behind the young eager vampire Dorian keeps a sharp look out for any unwanted attention. Thankfully most people are inside somewhere at this hour and the young man pulling along an older gentleman doesn't seem to call for further examination by the few still scurrying about. The moon overhead peeks out for a brief instant, like a flash of a lighthouse lantern, before once again the dim light from the village lamps are all that keep the darkness from swallowing the town whole. As they draw closer to the forest Dorian catches wind of what the little one is after. [i]'A woman, young, and already bleeding. Must be careful with this one'[/i] When they reach the door to the barn, sitting slightly ajar so they can see clearly inside, the elder takes in the scene carefully. The boy at his side seems to almost vibrate with need. [i]'We are close to the house, so we can not have her screaming. I believe if I can get him to hold a post while I get her ready he should be able to restrain himself for the minute or two it will take'[/i] He glances down at James, holding back a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth at the sight of his eager face. [I]'I should let him feed first. Hopefully he will recognize when he is full rather than just trying to drink her dry'[/i] Tightening his grip on the boy's hand he moves silently through the door and pauses a few paces short of the girl. Her sobs reverberate off the wooden walls, muted slightly by her fingers as she tries to quell her tears. Looking to one of the support beams Dorian takes the hand in his and uses it to wrap the young man's arm around the beam. “Stay put.” He whispers, making sure he has the newborn's eyes and attention before stepping towards the girl. Her head comes up as he clears his throat. She presses herself back into the hay, strangled sounds of fear and distress find their way out of her tear roughened throat. He holds up his hands, the faint lamp light catching his face so she can see his look of sympathy. “It is alright child. I am not hear to hurt you. My companion and I were just passing by and we heard the sounds of someone crying.” He motions back towards James for a moment, tilting to the side so she can see him. [i]'It is best she see him now rather than be startled out of the charm at the sudden sight of him'[/i] Her frightened glance at James is brief, more concerned with the man approaching her slowly. “Forgive me my lord, but this be of no concern of yours. Please, just let me be. . .” He voice is raw, and Dorian wonders if she was held at the throat at some point. A small hand comes up to wipe roughly at her face, however as the elder draws in close enough his charm starts her tears flowing once more. “I j-just need a m-moment to gather myself.” She begins sobbing again and with practiced grace Dorian moves in beside her. She does not object as he settles in the hay beside her, and only resists for an instant as he warps his arms around her. He makes light shushing noises and she collapses against his chest, her arms trapped between them. “Hush child, do not worry so. There is no shame in crying when the situation calls for it, and by these marks. . .” He lets his voice trail off as his words redouble her sobbing. With one arm crossing her back the other one comes up and he rubs her neck gently. Carefully he seeks out the spot where he blood flows most freely and covers it with his fingers. In her sorrow her dress had fallen quite low and most of her neck and shoulder is exposed. Looking to James he motions for the boy to come sit on her other side. When he is close enough Dorian whispers, “Be gentle as you can little one.” The girl is so distressed she doesn't seem to hear him. He keeps his fingers in place so her life is in less danger and once James begins to feed he leans down lower and takes hold of her with his own fangs to keep her relaxed with his venom.