This RP is inspired both by the OG Teen Titans and Young Justice cartoons, but sits in its own custom universe. A quick rundown: Millennia ago, Krypton was a member of the Republic of United Systems, which had a pact with the Guardians of the Universe of Oa and the Lantern Corps. But then they went to war with the Apokk Imperium led by Lord Imperator Uxas (my version of Apokolips and Darkseid). Apokkian scientists created Kryptonite to weaken the Kryptonians and used a device called a Quantum Decay Cannon to trigger rapid aging of their star, Rao, causing it to expand to the red giant phase in a matter of days before ultimately exploding. They repeated this on other stars, the Republic eventually copied the technology, and soon most of galactic civilization was left a massive graveyard of shattered worlds. Some survivors banded together in smaller groups and organizations, but nothing that came close to the scale of the Old Republic, as it came to be called. Far away from all of that, the planet Mars managed to stay out of the conflict due to their impressive cloaking technology, which made their world appear dead and lifeless to all outsiders. Their close neighbor Earth harbored detectable life, but at that point in its history it had yet to develop advanced technology and thus was no threat to the warring factions. However, it had become home to several spacepods that had been sent from Krypton just prior to it exploding, the inhabits locked in cryogenic sleep. After thousands of years, the pods had gradually been claimed by the Earth, but after a massive earthquake hit the state of Kansas, one of the pods floated up through a crack in the bottom of a lake just outside the town of Smallville. This held the infant Kal-El, still in cryogenic stasis after all those millennia. He was found by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who raised him as their son. Fast forward decades later, and Clark operates as the hero Superman. He is married to Lois Lane and they have a son together named Conner Kent. Yes, I am using Conner as their son instead of Clark's cousin/clone. If anyone wants to play Kara, feel free to have her be Conner's twin sister or something. I mentioned the backstory of that galactic conflict because it will become an important part of the plot as we go and I wanted to set the stage for that. Conner will be one of my main characters, as well as Dick Grayson/Robin and Wally West/Kid Flash. At the beginning of the RP, the "sidekicks" are attending the Justice League's Tenth Anniversary Celebration at the Hall of Justice in Washington, D.C. It has been ten years since the League first formed to fight an alien invasion by the Reach (one of the surviving civilizations from the Apokkian Wars), and tonight they are celebrating that union with a gala of sorts. Members of the Press, celebrities, politicians, etc. are all in attendance, while millions others watch on their personal devices via livestream. For the first few posts, our characters will be suited-up and providing security for the event while mingling with each other and guests, but then everything changes when there is a mass prison break at Belle Reve and most of the League has to rush to clean up the mess, leaving the sidekicks to watch over the celebration. And then, to make matters worse, a different set of villains attack the party while the League is gone, which Batman suspected might happen and warned the sidekicks to be on alert. So, we'll start there, have a few chill posts at the event, and then set the combat in motion and allow the plot to unfold as we go. Feel free to ask any questions and discuss what characters you'd like to play. Though, I should note that I don't want anyone to be too overpowered, so don't go like full-on comic book levels with your powersets. Our characters are teenagers and not as experienced as the older heroes, and the writing should reflect that. Anyway, I'll leave it there and look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.