[hider=Jennifer Whittemore][list][*][u]Name[/u]: Jennifer Whittemore [*][u]Age[/u]: 22 [*][u]Gender[/u]: Female [*][u]Appearance[/u]: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/415547468873334785/1124844540520575096/fairy_knight_lancelot_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_hoodier__c3c3e29834c6ef31812eb22b003f5748.jpg]Casual outfit.[/url] Rather on the light side, but it's not [i]her[/i] fault that this country (or most) is too damn hot for her in the summer... She's a tiny girl, just under 4'9. [*][u]Personality[/u]: Relentlessly laid back and upbeat, she doesn't really give the air of anyone who went through something as traumatic as a Warped attack, let alone barely survived it... although, that might be because she doesn't remember it at all. Although enthusiastic about trying new things, Jennifer is prone to getting distracted, and then going off to do something else... intentionally or not. [*][u]History[/u]: Ordinarily, one would have expected this foreign-born and raised girl to have absolutely no involvement in the goings-on in the middle of Tokyo. Any involvement on her part should have been transient, a mere exposure to the Warped before she returned to being half the world away in safety. Nobody was likely to go scouring through every possible foreigner to find those who could potentially control a Chi-Mechframe. Jennifer's involvement was anything but ordinary, however. There were three outcomes to those injured in a confrontation involving the Warped. The most likely was just that someone got injured, but they avoided being infected by an Echidna, and were at the mercy of normal medical technology. The second was that they would be correctly infected while helpless, and go on to become one of the Warped. The least likely outcome would be the parasite launching an [i]incorrect[/i] infestation and kickstarting the healing processes to the point that everything would heal normally. Jennifer is an example of someone who got incorrectly infested, but was simply too injured for even accelerated healing to fix everything. What it achieved was to turn extensive, fatal injuries into survival in a condition that simply shouldn't have been possible. Certainly, nothing that modern medical techniques could address with much hope of quality of life. Fortunately, this impossible situation brought with it the possibility of some uniquely experimental treatment. Instead of building a Chi-Mechframe as a completely external apparatus, why not repurpose as much of it into an [i]internal[/i] one as possible? Not only would this vastly improve Jennifer's condition, it would allow a valuable opportunity for teasing out disparate parts of Chi-Mechframes into isolated components to help with future development and refinement. The obvious upshot of this was that the foreign tourist also became an unexpected immigrant to Japan, having to adjust to a [i]very[/i] different environment, plus addressing the remaining language barrier. She's adapted surprisingly well, being an upbeat sort to start with, although having a rather low-intensity job as a 'research assistant' that mostly means 'okay, we need to use you as a guinea pig again' certainly helps. With things now moving and Tokyo being the target of major action against the Warped... well, it's handy, because it means she's still somewhere comparatively local, especially while transitioning from a more research-focused position to an active combat one. It's also handy because it means that she has plenty of time to actually pack her things up the four or five times needed to not leave anything behind. [*][u]Skills[/u]: Jennifer's skills are somewhat... odd. Her basic reflexes and co-ordination are preternatural, bordering on the superhuman, but things that take use of that? Not so much. She doesn't do any sports, she's not an athlete, not even particularly good at manual tasks. Her post-Mechframe state is improved in a [i]lot[/i] of ways from before. The flip side is that her [i]memory[/i] seems to have suffered, although generally improving: when prompted, she turned out to have a surprising amount of baking experience... and no recollection of how or when she ever learned it. Her scholastic record is similarly spotty. She tends to keep a notebook on hand with names and descriptions, just because of having forgotten people a few times. [*][u]Chi-Mechframe[/u]: Albion [list][*][u]Appearance[/u]: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/659112766124064768/1124881105506545727/fairy_knight_lancelot_and_fairy_knight_lancelot_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_choco_chocolate_shop__8aef4b508f4846a582352a32f000fca8.jpg]Armoured.[/url] [*][u]Abilities[/u]: Albion's construction is rather unique, given its wearer's circumstances, and a portion of its abilities are actually available constantly... although without the full system and regulation provided by the rest of the armour, this would be completely unnoticeable if it wasn't so unusual for even a full suit to have: flight. Flight and manoeuvrability without seemingly any particular consideration to aerodynamics or obvious generation of thrust. Of course, without the armour, it's not like it's any faster than a running pace, dimensional considerations aside, but with it... As a complete system, Albion is exceptional for its speed and agility, which is [i]very[/i] handy when it's comparatively limited in terms of both the punishment it can absorb and its offensive options. Jennifer doesn't have any particular combat-related skills to utilise, and the Mechframe doesn't come with much in the way of normal weaponry either. All it can do is release intense but melee-ranged energy blasts--primarily, and most powerfully, from the gauntlets attached, but it can come out of just about any extremity on the armour.[/list] [*][u]Other:[/u]: She doesn't really talk about how extensive her injuries were, but Jennifer's entire body seems to set off metal detectors.[/list][/hider]