"A private place with a nice big lock is probably one of the best places what are you on--" It was then that Eliz walked over to confront the boy that seemed to be sneaking around. "H-hey. Eliz, easy girl." The firbolg said walking behind Lyssa to stop Eliz from doing something else stupid.. The boy seemed to be someone important with the way he was talking. A commoner kid wouldn't bother trying something like that ever. Well, a commoner kid that wasn't her smartass when she was little. Her guardian was never a good role model as a child and would often leave her alone in a spooky forest a lot. Well, the results of her upbringing were at the least worth something. After all, she survived being tossed out a ship using the magic she was taught. That aside, she had a good idea who this kid would be. "Well, if I didn't know you were the son of the lord, I would be concerned with you being a rat. You have to admit the way you're sneaking about is a bit suspicious. Are you sure there's nowhere you're suppose to be right now?" The maid smiled, if he was sneaking around, he wasn't suppose to be here. She thought he might have to be at the event or locked in his room. "Would the lord be fine learning you're sneaking about here?" She asked, smiling.