Plot 2. On mobile. Don't want to update original post in fear I'll f up on mobile. An empire has more or less grown and taken over the country. This empire has taken full control of dragons, eliminating previous clans and tribes who had dragons. Now it's only the empire and those who serve the empire that has dragons. Except there has been a rebellion forming under the empire's nose. They've been collecting supporters and stray dragons to one day defeat the empire and allow all peoples to have dragons. Your character is born, raised and bonded underneath the empire. He has grown through the ranks with his dragon and has become a dependable soldier. His lastest mission was to seek out and find a rumored female dragon hidden somewhere. (Idk where yet). He finds the female dragon and her bonded person, a male. The problem is your dragon sees this young female as his bond-mate. Your character was taught and told bond-mates don't exist and he must bring this female into the empire. My character is the last of the Arden - a clan that was conquered by the empire years ago. It was assumed there were no survivors. His personal mission is to find a safe haven for his dragon and he believes that is the rebellion he's heard about. He can't let the empire get their hands on her. Slow burn story with twists and character development.