[table][row][cell][right][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vis9F3x.png[/img] [/right][/cell] [cell][h3] [u]LOYALTY: [color=0054a6]Shadow[/color][color=red]◢[/color][/u] [sub][b][code]Daring Rescue: Part 1[/code][/b] [/sub][/h3] [/cell][/row][/table] The shuttle ride to the Citadel was as long as it was awkward. The three sat in almost complete silence as Zenn flew them to their first destination. They were still getting over the altercation that nearly turned into a shootout earlier that morning. Despite everything that had happened, Kysar still agreed to accompany Zenn and Solveig on both the trip to the citadel as well as the mission afterwards. The quarian suspected Kysar agreeing to go had more to do with honoring his fallen comrade and his anger at Nadara more than wanting to assist Zenn. Regardless of Kysar's reasons, Zenn was just happy to have any help he could get. Their business at the Citadel went much smoother than anticipated. Tamas’ friends were understandably angry, but it was ultimately more about their loss than mismanaged transport of the body. They just needed someone to vent their frustrations to more than anything, and nobody was better suited for that than two squadmates who served with the fallen SRN operative. As for Zenn, he stayed back and let the others talk. Afterall, not only did he not know the human, but if he had been a few seconds faster, Tamas might actually still be alive… In any case, Tamas’ friends were more than satisfied with their conversation with the SRN team. Once the matter was concluded, the trio found themselves departing just as quickly as they had arrived. As Zenn shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he guided the shuttle towards the debris filled no man’s land. There was something on his mind. Something he wanted to say, but he couldn’t really come up with the words. Finally he decided to just say it. [color=0054a6]“Hey, Kysar. What happened early… I hope you don’t think it was personal. I would have done the same thing for you if someone else came in pointing a gun at you."[/color] Kysar was lost in the deep void of space. Though he couldn't see it from the back of the shuttle, he still gazed at the wall, imagining himself out there in the peace and quiet of it all. Between Nadara, Janiri and now Tamas, the Turian had almost forgotten about Zenn waving a gun in his face. Shifting his stance, he turned to the back of the Quarians head as he piloted the shuttle into position. Truth be told, Kysar didn't actually care too much about what he had done, in fact it was probably the only thing that really worked in calming him down. No doubt his team-mate was overthinking it, he seemed the type. [color=800000]"Don't sweat it,"[/color] [color=800000][i]Sparky? No, Zippy? Ugh, no.[/i][/color] [color=800000]”Zenn."[/color] Turning back to the shuttle wall, the Turian continued. [color=800000]”I get why you did what you did. I mean shit,"[/color] he chuckled. [color=800000]”Between the gun and Awks's trademark speech, not sure there was anything else that would've stopped me."[/color] Kysar looked Sol's way to shoot a quick smile before returning sombrely to position. [color=800000]“They keep telling me the war's over, yet here I am still losing people."[/color] He shuddered, realizing he'd let an actual real life feeling out. [color=800000]"Quick Awks, give us another speech. Steal that spotlight."[/color] [color=662d91]"Sorry, I'm not a thief,"[/color] Sol answered absent mindedly as she sat in her seat, her foot resting on the adjacent knee, and her elbow propped up to hold her chin. [color=662d91]”Besides, not got any spotlights in this shuttle."[/color] After a moment, [color=662d91]”oh... right. You. Meant joke…"[/color] Snot shot from Kysar's nose as he doubled over, holding onto his sides for dear life as he laughed. [color=800000]”Spirits, love ya Awks."[/color] And just like that, all the tension in the air was gone as both Zenn and Kysar were caught up in laughter from Sol’s response. Zenn had to try his best to compose himself and keep the shuttle flying on course. [color=0054a6]”Never change, Solveig. Never change."[/color] As they drew closer to the border of the debris fields, a patrol ship pulled up alongside them and a notification of a hailing appeared on the controls. Zenn tapped a button and the holographic image of a Salarian appeared on the center of the dash. “Attention unidentified shuttle. You are entering a restricted area. Turn back now!" The Salarian warned. Zenn cleared his throat, still trying to hold back his laughter. [color=0054a6]“This is Zenn’Valin vas Konesh. My crew and I have authorization to be here."[/color] The Salarian looked at their omni-tool for a few seconds, then nodded. "Authorization confirmed. You are clear to enter." The projection dispersed and the ship disengaged from the shuttle. Looking out ahead, Zenn could see why this area had been closed off. Clustered in this one section of space lay thousands of ships from every species in the galaxy. Once part of the monumental Sword Team, these were the unlucky ships that met their end at the hands of the reapers. Now all that remained were their metal corpses, a haunting reminder of just how daunting the reaper threat was. Debris from the carnage littered the void between the ships. The scattered remains ensuring travel through there would be perilous. [color=0054a6]“Alright everyone, buckle up back there."[/color] Zenn called back to his teammates. [color=0054a6]"This ride is about to get bumpy."[/color] Kysar pulled a helmet out from under the seat, clicking it into place. His HUD indicated his oxygen tanks were full and vital signs were nominal. Activating his tech armour, he strapped himself into his seat. Ready for action, he gave a thumbs up to his nervous compatriot. [color=800000]"Punch it!"[/color] Behind her own helmet, Sol smiled. Nobody had ever really given her a nickname before. Not one that was meant to be endearing anyway, and even inadvertently she made them both laugh in a good way? Maybe. They weren't laughing at her like others had. Weren't name calling her like others had... It was a nice feeling, she decided. [color=662d91]"You can do it Shadow, take your time and go the long way if you have to."[/color] As they flew closer and closer, the amount of scrap floating around slowly began to increase until they were basically surrounded by various bits and parts. The series of metallic raps as they bounced off the hull announced to the crew that they had entered the debris field. Zenn didn't need to worry about the small items, even with the shuttle in less than ideal conditions. It was the large stuff he had to be wary of. He kept his eyes peeled as they flew deeper in and did his best to monitor all the scanners that were illuminated across the dashboard. As well as recall what all of them meant. It had been a long time since he was behind the controls, but he was sure he remembered enough to get through. After a few minutes he checked back in with his team. [color=0054a6]"You both doing alright back there?"[/color] Sol chuckled slightly. [color=662d91]”This is a breeze,"[/color] she gripped the seat as it bumped again. [color=662d91]”You didn't get to fly Katya Airways to Cuba…"[/color] Kysar smiled at the memory before turning his attention back to Zenn. [color=800000]”I thought you all grew up on ships? Shouldn't Quarian's be master pilots?'[/color] Zenn smiled at Sol's comment. It was comforting how much faith she had in him, and it was good to know he wasn't completely rusty at this. But that smile just as quickly faded when Kysar spoke up. Zenn made an audible grumble before responding. [color=0054a6]"Look, just because we live on ships doesn't mean we're experts at everything with them. I mean, yes we all learn how to fly for our pilgrimage, but after that it's very rare any of us pursue that career. It's not like we need a lot of backup pilots."[/color] As Zenn continued his rant about quarian stereotypes, a blip appeared on one of the sensors. [color=0054a6]"Even if we were to have four pilots per ship, that's only two hundred thousand quarians out of seventeen million! That's barely even one percent!"[/color] The blip grew larger and the consol started beeping. [color=0054a6]"By that logic people should also assume we're master gardeners since we have a comparable number of people in agriculture! But when I tell people my dad is a botanist they act surprised we even know what plants are! Like do they just think the food on the flotilla magically appears?"[/color] The blip started to separate into multiple, and the sensor began wildly beeping. [color=662d91]"Sh-Shadow,"[/color] Solveig said quietly at first as Zenn carried on with his explanation. [color=662d91]”Shadow-"[/color] she said again, pointing to the sensor. [color=662d91]"Shadow!"[/color] She spoke one last time, louder, stepping up from her seat, grabbing a handrail on the ceiling of the shuttle. [color=662d91]”Eyes forward!"[/color] As entertaining as Zenn's monologuing was for Kysar, wild blips on radar were almost never a good thing. Solveig had said all that was needed to say, hopefully getting the Quarian's attention. The Turian, on the other hand, removed the rifle from his back. Might be time to give this bad boy a test run. He thought, stroking his new Ghost. Zenn jumped in his seat, startled by Solveig suddenly standing right next to him and loudly interrupting to tell him to pay attention. [color=0054a6]“Huh? Oh! Right!"[/color] He said, scrambling to pull up the sensor details. His eyes grew wide as he looked at the readings on the screen. [color=0054a6]"Solveig, get in your seat. We’ve got three ships coming in and they are headed directly for us. They look to be small strike craft, probably how they slipped past the patrols. I’ll see if I can lose them. You two see if there’s something you can do to slow them down or stop them."[/color] The shuttle launched forward as Zenn hit the accelerator. Thanks to Solveig they had seen them soon enough to avoid being caught unaware, but the ships were still gaining on the shuttle. In a few seconds they were in view. They appeared to be shuttles similar to the one the team was flying, only these ones were painted black and blue with very distinct logos on the side. As Solveig saw the logo on the shuttles she scowled. [color=662d91]”CAT6,"[/color] she began. She took her seat as instructed and immediately picked up her rifle. [color=662d91]”They're not here to say hello. Be careful Shadow."[/color] Solveig then looked at Kysar, [color=662d91]"you're going to get your wish for a fight."[/color] The Turian smiled, giddy like a schoolgirl. [color=800000]”Finally!"[/color] He said, clasping his hands together. Undoing his seatbelt Kysar stood, carefully making his way to the door as the shuttle weaved back and forth. [color=800000]”Hold on to your hats people, I'm opening the side hatch."[/color] Luckily the mass effect fields stopped everything not nailed to the hold from flying out, including the passengers. Still, there was a whoosh as the air inside escaped out into space. Debris was all around them as the CAT6 ships moved into position behind the trio. The Turian had checked and rechecked his omni-tool this time round, there'd be no more misfires from it he was sure. Holding onto the rail, Kysar leaned out of the door, bringing up his arm and loosing an overload towards one of the shuttles. [i]Bam![/i] The shot found its target. Sparks and electrical discharges zapped out from the ship on the far left as the whole thing lost power. It sagged pathetically to the side, careening towards a particularly thick bit of debris. Connecting, there was a small explosion as the air inside ignited and the rest of the ship tore apart. [color=800000]"Aw, it's just not the same without atmosphere and the noise."[/color] Kysar lamented to himself. [color=662d91]"I disagree, Venator,"[/color] Solveig said as she moved to the door too, keeping her footing steady as she started lining up a shot of her own. [color=662d91]"There's something beautiful about silent chaos."[/color] She took aim at the pilot of the second shuttle and pulled the trigger, but the shot was not successful - something about aiming out of an open shuttle in motion through a field of debris... Still, the shot hit the shuttle, but not enough to slow anything down or stop them. [color=662d91]"Damnit, I missed,"[/color] she muttered. Lining up for another turn when they were in a better position. [color=662d91]”I guess they get a few more minutes of life. Maybe they can use it for some self-reflection…"[/color] [color=0054a6]“But can you really call it an explosion if there’s no sound?"[/color] Zenn piped in as he tried to keep the ship flying steady. [color=0054a6]"Without the ‘ka-boom’ it loses the pizzazz!"[/color] With one of their shuttles down, the other two CAT6 vehicles picked up speed. Seemed they were holding back a bit, while the SRN shuttle was unfortunately at its limit. And now that the SRN had engaged them they were going all in. Even the shots from Solveig did little to deter the pilot of one shuttle, though he did move his head down behind the dash for cover; temporarily obstructing his vision. Zenn glanced back to see the action happening, then turned forward and spotted the derelict half of a turian cruiser up ahead. A crazy thought popped into his mind. [color=0054a6]“Hey Solveig. er Wraith. Keep shooting at the pilots."[/color] Zenn ordered while he changed course to the cruiser. [color=0054a6]"I think I have an idea."[/color] Kysar, meanwhile, had one of his own. Something had been gnawing away at the back of his mind since the meat packing plant. The destruction of the second orb had him returning to that strange sunken place, seemingly feeling outside of the bounds of time and space. The presence of that place still lingered and more than that, it had started to grow. It was as if he could sense those around him, as if everyone possessed a sort of energy he could tap in to. Heading back in the shuttle, Kysar slowly moved to the back wall. With his eyes firmly shut, he cast his mind adrift, projecting the oddly placed feeling towards the shuttles behind him. Suddenly he was overwhelmed, a feeling of hatred and fury engulfed him, fuelled by a sadness over the loss of comrades. Though he recognised them, these emotions were not of his own, they were alien, artificially inserted and flowing through the Turian. Odd, he thought, I think I can feel the pilot of the other shuttle? How Venator did what he did next was almost unknown to him but latching onto those feelings, he dragged them into the bizarre sunken place. This time, he was the presence, lurking in the shadows, while the pilot of the shuttle stood in the centre. A feeling of absolute authority consumed the Turian, causing formation of an idea. [color=800000]"Ram them, ram the other shuttle."[/color] Kysar commanded. The pilot of the shuttle closest to them suddenly had the idea in his head to ram a shuttle, as if the thought had been planted in his brain. But he didn't look at his allied shuttle; his mind was focused on the SRN shuttle. Considering he had been shot at and just watched his squadmates crash, it was really sounding like a good idea. Not to mention they had more speed, and the SRN shuttle wasn't in the best shape. One solid hit could destabilize their mass effect generator and leave them sitting ducks. At the very least knock Kysar and or Solveig out the door. It wasn't the plan, but screw it. The pilot floored it! The shuttle accelerated to higher speeds aimed straight for the SRN shuttle. Solveig watched as Kysar shifted himself, and she felt the aura around him change too. Like a dark spell that while she could not see it, she knew it was there - burning around the Turian. [color=662d91]"Uhhhh…"[/color] She sounded out, quietly as she watched, slightly awestruck by it, her own heart racing as it felt like her nerves were being pressed on by the oppressive energy. Whatever it was, it didn't last too long. Solveig's eyes widened as the shuttle started to accelerate towards them, taking aim she gave another attempt to take the pilot out - but the bullet went astray. Something about trying to hold your footing on a moving ship, perhaps. Still, she admonished herself internally for missing again. There was never a good reason to miss her shot. She'd landed harder ones. Her mothers voice sounded in her head. [color=662d91][i]All that training, all those enhancements, all that money and still you fail, Soldier[/i][/color] cruel words of disappointment. [color=662d91]”Sorry,"[/color] she said instinctively before moving from the door - reaching again for the handle. [color=662d91][i]No time to dwell. Shadow and Venator need you.[/i][/color] That was the good voice, the one that seemed to growing louder and breaking free... [color=662d91]"Shadow, I hope this idea is good, we need to get out of the line of impact -- and fast."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Line of Impact? What do you- OH VOT!"[/color] Zenn exclaimed as he looked back just in time to see the enemy closing the distance. [color=0054a6]"Hold tight!"[/color] He warned before he pulled the shuttle to the right. The CAT6 shuttle narrowly missed them, scraping against the side. But in the pilot's haste to act on his impulse, he forgot to tell his passengers what he was doing. As they saw their target getting close, they opened the door and leaned out to return fire, only to realize impact was imminent and jumped back in. Unfortunately for them, they lost their footing in the sideswipe. The shuttles were now side by side, with the CAT6 mercs on the ground and the door wide open. The return to reality was like plunging deep into ice cold water. Kysar convulsed heavily, gasping for air only to hear Zenn shout to hold on. The split second in between shout and movement was enough for the Turian to instinctively grab the rifle from his back. It was not, however, enough time to properly steel himself. Tumbling forward, Kysar rolled towards the open door, only just managing to stop mere inches away from complete disaster. The good news was that he had managed to land somewhat upright, in a crouched position. The bad news was... well there was no bad news, only better news. Opposite to their shuttle flew the enemy, door wide open and several soldiers all in a heap in the back. [color=800000][i]I swear the human's have a saying for this.[/i][/color] The Turian mandibles quivered in excitement as he took aim with his brand new rifle. [color=800000][i]Some sort of animal in... a hole?[/i][/color] The Ghost had a clip size of 75 rounds and boy howdy did those bad boys fly out. [color=800000][i]Birds? No. Rats?[/i][/color] No, no. Kysar thought as he riddled the squad in the opposing shuttle without mercy. [color=800000][i]Fish? Oh yeah! Fish![/i][/color] [color=800000]"Like shooting fish in a hole ay Awks!"[/color] [color=662d91]"What fish?"[/color] She asked aloud, hanging on to the handle as the ship jostled and moved. While Kysar was flung around, Solveig just hung rather gracefully (considering the circumstances) and then dropped down when they seemed to have been stabilised. [color=662d91]”What hole?!"[/color] While she could speak English, many of their phrases and metaphors did allude her. There were three languages in her mind, it was hard to keep track of them. [color=662d91]"It seems an ineffective way to hunt,"[/color] she said, once more lining up for the shot. This time it felt clean and steady. Heck, she almost felt bad for the pilot as she pulled the trigger and landed it right in the side of his head, above his ear. [color=662d91]”The flesh will be riddled with bullet holes!"[/color] Again with the nickname though, she could tell that Kysar meant no insult - but what a strange creature to be comparing her to. Popping the thermal clip, Kysar gave an exaggerated shrug. [color=800000]"Why you asking me for? You're the human."[/color] Watching the enemies shuttle start to drift towards the surrounding debris field, the Turian gave a succinct nod to his team mate. [color=800000]"Nice shot Wraith. You ready for round 3?"[/color] He said, gesturing towards the third and final shuttle. [color=662d91]"Thank you!"[/color] Solveig answered sincerely, smiling behind her mask. [color=662d91]”You too Venator, good... blasting! Of course I'm ready. How about you Shadow? How's it looking in front?"[/color] [color=0054a6]“Almost there!"[/color] Zenn replied, maintaining course for the cruiser. Since it appeared shooting at the shuttles wasn’t really effective unless they were right next to each other, keeping the pilot busy wasn’t an option. But maybe they wouldn’t have to. [color=0054a6]“Wraith, when I give the signal, hit them with sabotage. Venator, I need you on standby if that doesn’t work. But most importantly, I need you both to hang on tight!"[/color] Zenn gave the instructions to his team while closely monitoring their distance from the cruiser. They were getting very close to it. Perhaps too close. No, definitely too close! At this rate they were going to crash! [color=0054a6]“NOW!"[/color] Zenn called to Wraith. Just as she would hit the last shuttle, Zenn would pull the ship up to fly alongside the cruiser. Timing would be everything. At the last minute, he mashed the button on the controls. It was the wrong button. The shuttle came to a complete and immediate stop. Everyone was thrown to the front of the shuttle; including Zenn. Apparently a certain group of quarians had inadvertently loosened the bolts for the seatbelt in the pilot's chair, causing it to fail. Zenn slammed into the dash, the force of the impact left him dazed and stunned, along with damaging the console and his pride And Sabotage she did. She watched as the enemy shuttle seized, halted, shuddered and then veered off below - sinking down into the blackness before making impact against the remains of the cruiser. [color=662d91]"Round 3 was short."[/color] But then. So did their shuttle. Everything stopped, and everyone moved. Solveig was able to once again use the handle to her advantage, quick reflexes sprung to action and instead of hurtling forward, she carefully spun and landed rather acrobatically on her feet in a crouch - one hand to the side, the other flat on the ground. Balanced and unharmed. The same could not be said for Zenn. While Kysar too had crashed through the ship, Zenn had really been slammed forward. [color=662d91]"Shadow!"[/color] Solveig yelled out, rushing to his side - when she got there she wasn't quite sure what to do with her hands. She had no real knowledge of Quarian biology - she didn't know if lifting him up would hurt him more. She settled for placing a hand on his shoulder. Goddamnit, she cursed herself. Had she Sabotaged their own shuttle too? [color=662d91]"Do you hear me Shadow?"[/color] She gave a sidelong glance to Kysar too, to check that he was also able to get to his feet. The Turian had been bounced around the shuttle like a pinball, finally coming to a stop with his back hitting against the wall of the entrance to the cockpit. [color=800000]"See,"[/color] he muttered throughout panted breath, gesturing to himself, [color=800000]”Tech Armour."[/color] Other than a bit of wind being knocked loose out of him, Kysar was ok. Looking up and over, he could see Zenn had got the worst of it. Sol was hunched over the Quarian, awkwardly fawning over him, seemingly unsure what to do. [color=800000]"Hmm."[/color] The Turian stroked the bottom of his helmet as he mulled over their next move. Sure, the battle was over but he knew that the war had just begun. Moving towards the open side door Kysar peered out into space. [color=800000]”No movement... yet."[/color] Putting his head back inside he turned to Sol. [color=800000]“We've got to move, more will come and with this shuttle out of commission, we're sitting ducks."[/color] Looking down towards Zenn, Kysar could tell he was in a bad way but had no way of knowing if it was serious or not. [color=800000]"I'll need you to carry him Wraith if he doesn't come round in the next few moments. I'll take point and keep a look out for an entrance to the cruiser. If Shadow does have any spinal injuries, the zero G of space will help alleviate any pain."[/color] [color=662d91]"Got it,"[/color] Solveig answered with a nod. [color=662d91]"Those CAT6... They're no joke. I'll be watching your back."[/color] Zenn laid there completely still. His body slumped over the sparking dashboard. As Solveig placed her hand on his shoulder, he slowly slid backwards and flopped into his chair. [color=0054a6]"Wrong… button… meant to… go up."[/color] Zenn was barely able to form any words at the moment. His head was spinning, physically and mentally, and it wasn't just the stars in space he was seeing around him. [color=0054a6]"Did… plan… work?"[/color] [color=662d91]"No, no it didn't. We got the enemies though."[/color] Solveig answered truthfully, looking closely at the faint outlines she could make of his face and eyes from behind his mask. [color=662d91]”But plans don't always work, so it's time for plan B."[/color] She glanced across at Kysar again and shook her head, [color=662d91]”Shadow can't walk like this."[/color] She gave a slight pause before turning back to Zenn. [color=662d91]"Do you ever, uhhh, piggyback? On the flotilla?"[/color] [color=800000][i]Pigs back?[/i][/color] Kysar shook his head and sighed. He'd spent too long around human's with their weird analogies. [color=800000]"Put your arm under his if he can't walk, or better yet, use your fancy arm to throw him over your shoulder if you have to. I don't want to hang around much longer."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Oh… Sorry…"[/color] Zenn apologized. Of course it was a stupid plan. Why did he think it would work? At least Sol and Kysar were able to take care of the last shuttle. Now they just had to figure out how they were going to get out of this. [color=0054a6]"Pig Back..? On flotilla..?"[/color] Zenn replied completely misunderstanding the question. [color=0054a6]"No… Vegetarian…"[/color] [color=662d91]"Don't apologise,"[/color] Solveig said as she started shuffling around - now that she had Kysar getting antsy about it all. With a quick motion, she had Zenn on her back and they were ready to go. It wasn't the best, but she'd at least be able to move quickly this way and there was no worry about further concussing him. [color=662d91]”It's alright, we're okay, we just improvise now. Let's move Venator."[/color] [color=800000][i]But to where?[/i][/color] Kysar looked around frantically. Towering over them was the nose of a Turian cruiser that had been sheared in half. A hiding spot maybe, to relax and recover but a dead end as well. The lifeboats were at the back of the craft and that whole end was missing. All it would be is their eventual grave. Looking around he could see anything except for chunks of debris drifting in space. [color=800000][i]Think Kysar, think. The lives of your teammates and the fate of this mission depend upon you.[/i][/color] Shutting his eyes tight he prayed to the Spirits. [color=800000][i]I know I don’t call on you as often as I should and mother would scold me for that. But if you can help this one time I promise I’ll never again…[/i][/color] Right in that moment, the Turian felt a slight shunt. Opening his eyes, Kysar’s jaw dropped. It was the second shuttle! The one that he and Sol had wasted the occupants of, gently drifting into the side of their shuttle. The Turian looked around, turning his head from side to side. Surely this was some kind of joke right? Shrugging, he thought once more of the Spirits, Haha suckers, [color=800000][i]I give up nothing![/i][/color] [color=800000]“Awks, cmon, taxi’s here."[/color] As the shuttle descended down before them, Solveig felt relieved. [color=662d91]”Fortune favours the bold,"[/color] she said. [color=662d91]"Who's flying this thing now? Not him,"[/color] she said, gesturing to Zenn. He was in no position for it. [color=662d91]”Let him rest a bit... I can try it. If some disgraced Alliance punk can do it, how hard can it even be?"[/color] Kysar chuckled looking at poor Shadow, unsure if that was the first ever joke from Sol. [color=800000]“I learnt how to pilot in the Cabals but that was about a decade ago. Got anything we could use to flip for it?"[/color] [color=662d91]"We could rock, paper, scissors?"[/color] Solveig suggested with a pause before she smirked to herself. [color=662d91]"Or, how about an arm wrestle?"[/color] The Turian laughed, that one had to be a joke. [color=800000]“If that’s the route we’re going, let’s just declare you the winner. We’re already one down and I need my arm for… the enemy."[/color] Kysar cleared his throat, giving a cheeky smile behind his mask. [color=800000]“Pass me ole sleepy there and head for the cockpit. I’ll strap Shadow in and, er, jettison the old ‘cargo’."[/color] [color=662d91]"Such a waste of life... Of potential…"[/color] Solveig said as she stepped in, glancing over the 'cargo' as Kysar had said. She let Zenn down so that Kysar could take him. She gave something of an awkward thumbs up to both. [color=662d91]"Okay so.... Uhhh, where are we going? Can we hook up the distress signal?"[/color] Zenn activated his omni-tool and waved his hand. [color=0054a6]"Here…"[/color] he had the coordinates saved, he just had to transfer them to the shuttle’s navigation. It took a few seconds longer than usual for obvious reasons, but he was able to mash the buttons needed to get the coordinates into the system. [color=0054a6]"Ready."[/color] Kysar had made the jump across first, watching carefully as Sol and Zenn crossed. Letting the Quarian finish doing his thing, the Turian slid his arm under his shoulder, helping him across to some seats in the back of the shuttle. [color=800000]“I knew you were out to prove that not all Quarian’s were pilots with that monologue."[/color] Kysar said, setting Zenn down in the chair. [color=800000]"I just didn’t realise you’d try to show me too."[/color] He snickered. [color=800000]“Call me if you need anything Shadow."[/color] Moving off towards the door, he began rolling the former occupants out. [color=800000]”Ready to move out whenever you are Awks."[/color] Zenn lay on the seats in the back. Kysar had a point, he really did kind of botch it as the pilot. As he watched Sol take the helm he thought maybe they would be in better hands if- The shuttle lunged forward as Sol accidentally hit accelerator to max, and just as quickly pulled it back to stop the shuttle. Zenn was tossed out of his seat and slammed against the shuttle floor. [color=0054a6]“OW! Keelah! Solveig, careful! Ease into the thrust you can’t just full send it!"[/color] He said. The sudden hit must have provided enough shock to finally snap him out of his dazed state. The stress of the chase before must have gotten to her as she chose instead to exit the pilot seat and give the controls to Kysar. Zenn was worried he might have offended her. He was definitely frustrated, but not at any of them. In all honesty he was just trying to give her advice. He carefully started to try and stand while he explained himself. [color=0054a6]“Sorry, Solveig. I didn’t mean to-”[/color] The shuttle immediately swung left as Kysar mistakenly hit the command to yaw left at full force, then swiftly overcorrected to stop the shuttle. Still not fully balanced, Zenn was thrown to the side and crashed right into the shuttle wall. [color=0054a6]“OW! Dammit! Kysar, easy! You gotta use gentle motions! Don’t just swing your hands!"[/color] Zenn said. Kysar grumbled something under his breath, then he too abandoned the cockpit in frustration. [color=0054a6]“Wait, Kysar, come on. Everyone makes that mistake…"[/color] Zenn attempted to explain, but at that point it was clear who would be flying. [color=0054a6]"Alright. Fine, I’ll do it. I only have about two concussions and a fractured everything. This’ll be great!"[/color] Zenn murmured as he pushed himself off the wall and stumbled into the pilots chair. Despite his current state, the flight from there was just as smooth as it had been when they first entered the debris field. As their destination started to come into view he thought aloud [color=0054a6]“Huh. Maybe we are natural pilots."[/color] The coordinates of the distress signal lay dead ahead, and they led directly to a quarian frigate. Making up the bulk of the Migrant Fleet Navy, it wasn't a surprise to find a ship like this out in the debris. Even Zenn's ship, the Konesh, was of a similar design. What was out of place was the condition of the ship. Though it lay dead in space like every other craft around it, there was no visible damage to be seen. It wasn’t exactly "pristine", but from the outside it looked ready to fly and even fit for combat. Something wasn't right. Zenn ran a quick scan using whatever systems their new shuttle had on board. Nothing. None of the systems were online, but there were no oddities of any kind either. The scan also revealed that there were no obvious or traditional openings. The docking bays were sealed shut and no escape pods had left. The only thing that looked promising was one of the tail segments. It had come unattached from the adjoining segment, leaving the door to it exposed to space, and there was plenty of room for them to dock the shuttle. Not seeing any other options, Zenn brought the shuttle in, and parked it right up against the exposed door. Trying to force open one of the massive bay doors would have been impossible, but a standard automatic door for personnel? Sol could probably open it with one hand. Zenn stood up from the pilot's seat and opened up the shuttle door. Before he even attempted to breach, he looked back at his companions. [color=0054a6]"Everyone stay alert. I've got a bad feeling about this place…"[/color] Strange was an understatement. It was like something out of a horror vid. A completely intact, yet abandoned, ship. Kysar did a full check of his weaponry and armour, including quickly igniting his electrified Omni-blade on and off again. He was ready to go. [color=800000]“Shadow, can you hack the enemies comms channel from this ship? Might give us a heads up if they’re inside the ship or in the vicinity."[/color] Solveig also got everything ready. Unlike Zenn, and to a lesser degree, Kysar, she had gotten through the trip here unscathed. She scanned her surroundings before stepping to the doorway in front of them, heeding Zenn's words. She knew if anything burst through the door, they'd be ready, yet she still gave them a nod. [color=662d91]"Opening,"[/color] she said before punching one side of the door, the strength of her biotic arm pushed through the material but didn't create a complete hole. The crunch of it still echoed through the space. From there, Solveig gripped at the warped metal having made a makeshift handle. The way that the metal of the door bent, surrendered, and moved to her will seemed effortless. The path forward was clear. Zenn shook his head at Kysar. [color=0054a6]“I don't know if this is CAT6's doing. While they were able to hide out here without the patrols noticing, the shuttle didn't have these coordinates; meaning they've never been out here before. And the way they came right at us before we even got close, it felt like they knew we were coming rather than spotted us. I think someone sent them after us. For what reason I have no idea, but maybe we'll find answers… when… we…"[/color] Zenn trailed off as he watched Solveig use her arm to smash the door in. The way she grabbed the warped shape and ripped it open like it was made of paper. He hadn't really seen the strength of her bionics before, but now that he had witnessed it up close… The quarian's face changed to a light tint of red, which appeared purple through his blue visor. He stood there staring for a moment before he came back to reality and violently shook his head to try and refocus. [color=0054a6]"Uhh where was I? Oh, yeah. We might get answers checking this shuttle afterwards."[/color] He finished his thought awkwardly. The room in front of them was pitch black. Not a single light or any type of illumination remained beyond those doors. Once inside, they would have to heavily rely on their flashlights. The first person to ignite their flashlight and shine it into the void would find a mostly vacant room. To the right was a large viewing window pointed out towards space, though the window itself was cracked and chipped as if someone had taken a steel blade to it. Parallel to the window was several rows of seats. They, too, were cut and broken most likely by the same thing that attacked the window. This room was no doubt an observation deck. Not too uncommon to see on any ship, even a quarian vessel. But someone or something did not get the same calming or relaxing experience one would normally get in this room and had torn it apart. The pathway on the floor directed them to two different doors. The one to their left was shut tight, sealed by a thick armored blast door. Not even the combined strength and biotic ability of the team would be able to open it, and with no power, they wouldn’t be able to hack it open either. Their only other route was the door across from their entrance. It was open, but not in a way that gave them any hope. Something had ripped this door down just as Sol had to get them in, but the floor leading to the door was smeared with a trail of blood. Image1 This whole thing smelt of a black op gone wrong. Between the expendable troops of CAT6, a perfectly intact ship in the middle of a war zone, a lockdown and now blood smears and shattered metal doors, this had government cover up all written all over it. This was the sort of stuff the Cabals lived and breathed. Taking point, Kysar shone his torch around the room. Aside from the blood, there wasn’t much else to see and the door that was open led to the tail end of the ship. [color=800000][i]No chance to get the power on heading down that way I suppose.[/i][/color] He thought, going on to wonder if there might be any sort of ventilation system they could use to bypass the locked door. [color=800000]“Shadow, what are we looking for here exactly?"[/color] The Turian was careful to whisper, inching forward as quietly as he could. As Solveig walked in, the atmosphere hit her. If it had already felt ominous outside, then the moment she pulled back the door it was much worse. For once, she found the dead silence eery. The woman eyed over the bloodstains, feeling an unknown energy, it didn't feel too disimilar to how she felt when she first encountered the Orb - just the overwhelming sensation of horrible, dark mystery. [color=662d91]"I don't like this,"[/color] she stated clearly, a slight vulnerability in her voice that wasn't usually there. [color=0054a6]“I… I don’t actually know."[/color] Zenn admitted. His voice was audibly shaky from a mix of fear and confusion. He was just as lost as everyone else. [color=0054a6]"All we know is a distress signal came from this ship. But even that fact is disputed…"[/color] Zenn walked towards the destroyed chairs, looking them over thoroughly as he tried to make sense of everything. [color=0054a6]"I have no idea what’s going on here. It could be a trap for all I know. What’s the saying? The blind leading the blind?"[/color] The light from his flashlight moved as his eyes followed the cracks of the window. It lingered there for a pause, Zenn trying to decide if it was smart to continue. Or more importantly, if he could even make himself turn back. After a few seconds he spoke up again. [color=0054a6]"If either of you want to go back to the shuttle, I understand. This isn’t what you signed up for. But… If there’s even a chance that someone here is in trouble."[/color] His gaze switched from the window to the bloodied doorway that lay ahead, [color=0054a6]"then I can’t turn away."[/color] [color=662d91]"Not going back. Knew what I was accepting, Shadow. We see this through no matter what."[/color] Fear or no fear, her words rang true, and she nodded in the direction of the Quarian. [color=800000]“Pfft I can’t even fly that damn thing anyway."[/color] Kysar said with a small chuckle. Nudging Shadow gently with his elbow he continued. [color=800000]“C’mon, there’s only one way to go anyway so it’s not like we need much of a plan. I’ll take point and you two can watch the sides."[/color] Bring the stock of his Ghost to position against his shoulder, the Turian began forward. [color=800000]“Call out anything weird and we’ll try our best to clear rooms as we go. Anything else you two want to add?"[/color] [color=662d91]"If I call out anything weird here, I'll be talking more than I have my whole life…"[/color] Solveig said with a shrug, her own rifle held out steadily. [color=0054a6]“Thanks. Both of you."[/color] Zenn said with a faint smile. While he was used to facing the unknown alone, having these two at his side gave him a strong sense of comfort even in this grim setting. But at the same time he was still worried about their safety. He couldn’t scout ahead and inform them of any dangers they were up against. They would just have to roll with whatever they came up against and keep each other safe. [color=0054a6]“Alright, Kysar. Lead the way."[/color] As the trio entered the next room, their lights would reveal the sickening conclusion of the bloodstain; the mutilated corpse of a quarian. Something had torn them up just as it had the observation deck. The rest of the room only contained more horrors. What was supposed to be a med bay looked more like the meat plant back in Havana. Blood covered the room with multiple bodies strewn about. Medical equipment littered the ground, with even some of the beds being ripped from their mounts. Both exits in the room were open this time, both with the same signs of destruction from the way they entered. On the counter to the left was a stash of medi-gel, miraculously still intact and fully usable. On the other side of the room was a datapad laying in a pool of blood next to a quarian slumped motionless against the counter. Image2 Whatever it was was big and powerful. Kysar wracked his brain, wondering what kind of creature could do this. Sure, Krogan's had the strength for something like this but there was something undeniably animalistic about this carnage. Surveying the room he noted the medical supplies and the notepad. Glancing from side to side at his companions, the Turian frowned as his chest tightened. Sol seemed unnerved and not in her usual awkward way, maybe it was something about the dark or emptiness of this place. Zenn on the other hand, well, Kysar knew what it was like to lose people in a horrific manner. They needed action, something to keep them moving forward so as not to dwell on such savagery. [color=800000]"Shadow,"[/color] Kysar whispered. [color=800000]“You should grab the medi-gel and check the surroundings for anything medical-Quarian related for any survivors we find."[/color] Turning back towards Sol, the Turian continued. [color=800000]“Wraith, there's a datapad across the room, do you see it?"[/color] Flashing his light on the pool of blood, he nodded. [color=800000]”I'll cover you."[/color] Stepping into the med bay was like once again passing through and into another wave of energy. As each of the flashlights moved around, they danced across each reflective surface. Every scalpel, every blade, every bedframe and mirror became a series of flashing images to Sol. A swirling mosaic of silver and red, blood pooled and splattered - corpses strewn around in various stages of mutilation. Solveig had never seen a Quarian's real face before - the one behind the mask. This wasn't how she had expected to ever see one. It felt wrong, an intimate violation. She closed her eyes and turned from that one, giving them their privacy back. Medical bays were difficult enough in the daylight. This was something else entirely. Her gaze landed on a scalpel on the floor and she felt a knot form in her stomach. It took her less than a moment to walk past it. The data pad, right. Whatever she felt, whatever feelings were triggered by the surroundings - this was worse for Zenn. She knew that. She knelt down and picked it up. Years of training, countless missions, none of that prepared Zenn for the scene in front of him. He slowly stepped ahead of Kysar, and panned his light across the room. So many of his people lay dead. Slaughtered in such grotesque and horrific ways. What monster was capable of this? He didn't have any words. Every inch he saw only mortified him further. Spiraling him into a void of dread trying to make sense of it all. It was only Kysar’s voice that brought him out of it. [color=0054a6]"Y-yeah. I'll… I'll get on it…"[/color] Zenn replied, but made no effort to move. He was still in shock, and barely even able to force the words out. Meanwhile, as Solveig reached down to pick up the datapad, the quarian corpse laying next to it sprung to life and grabbed her arm. It let out a blood curdling snarl from behind its mask as it pulled her closer. She drew her weapon and tried to shoot the corpse, but it was able to grab the gun and prevent her from pointing the barrel at it. Kysar reacted quickly and aimed his rifle at the corpse, but with Solveig still locked in its grip, he couldn't get a clear shot. He kept his rifle at the ready, desperate to find an opening, when the sound of a sniper went off. Seeing his teammate in danger was more than enough to pull Zenn out of his shock. He instinctively placed his scope over his eye and found and found a clean shot. He placed a bullet right through the corpse's head without even touching Solveig's shields. The corpse went limp, releasing its grip on Solveig as it flopped to the ground. Lifeless once more. Silence hung in the air. They knew what just happened. What that was. How could any of them forget? The snarl they still heard in their nightmares. The image of glowing indigo eyes illuminated against a pale white face that was burned into their minds. There was no mistake. [color=0054a6]"Venator… Wraith…"[/color] Zenn softly called to them, the fear in his voice now accompanied by a fierce rage. [color=0054a6]"Please tell me that wasn't a fucking husk."[/color]