[center][h2]Part Eight: In Moderation, Of Course[/h2][/center] [center][i][color=lime]With Special Guest: [@LegendBegins][/color][/i][/center] Kaga Classs: Okay, can somebody explain to me why there’s a cow trying to kill us!? Nobody speaks up; the other Pro-cheesecake players have no idea and the Anti-cheesecake members are not willing to share. Suddenly, the wind picks up to a gentle breeze, warm like a summer morning. The sky grays, and there appears to be a cyclone brewing in the clouds. Down from the clouds decents a human figure holding a metal hammer with a neon green stub on the top. Near the green nub a link in white text can be seen, reading: RolePlayerGuild.Com/Users/LegendBegins The figure brings the hammer down on the cow, and the Cadillac simply ceases to exit. [hider=Legend's Hammer] [img]https://i.ibb.co/jgqWkWV/BAN-HAMMER.jpg[/img] [/hider] Midnight stars: Thanks, LegendBegins. The others on the Pro-cheesecake side echo Midnight’s thanks and LegendBegins gives them all a nod as if to tell them they were welcome. [color=lime]LegendBegins: You’re all very welcome. Would one of you care to explain why there was a cow trying to trample you all?[/color] “THAT COW WAS MY CADILLAC! HOW [b]DARE[/b] YOU! YOU THINK YOU’RE A GOD! YOU’RE JUST A PERSON WITH A HAM-” LegendBegins raised the hammer quietly and the voice fell silent. [color=lime]LegendBegins: Now that that’s banned, any explenation for me?[/color] Dark Cloud: YO, THAT WAS MY BOSS! [color=lime]LegendBegins: So you took part in the demon cow’s release, my friend… Dark Cloud…?[/color] Twisted Mind: Oh, no. That was BaileyBlue302 who did that. Bailey and Jonisca. Dark was just chilling here with us. BrokenPromise: So you [i]ARE[/i] a traitor! [center][h3]And The Legend Begins…[/h3][/center] Meanwhile, somebody's phone starts to ring... but that's a plot twist for tomorrow...