Location Havershel Estate [hr] [@Click This][@AzureKnight] “Ah…I apologize,” The woman responded. “I have no or little care for politics. Only doing my duty as a priestess of the Eternal Serpent. We are allies after all, and it would not do for us to squabble.” While not wrong, it was certainly well known that among the general populace the Maison had gained popularity since its founding while the church had slowly, steadily been declining in such perception. “I will not keep you if you wish to leave, but I would enjoy chatting a bit. I rarely get to leave the cathedral these days.” Madeline said nothing in response, merely keeping her stoic, mildly angry expression leveled at the two in front of her. “In a similar vein, I’ve heard lord Havershel collects many rare trinkets and items. He’s done well for himself, considering he seemingly showed up out of nowhere and started this business of his.” “Speaking of the lord…” Just as Madeline spoke, [url=https://i.imgur.com/Sj8hffP.jpg]a tall man would make his presence known as he walked in from the opposite of the room.[/url] Short cut blond hair, a dark blue double-breasted coat with pristinely kept white pants. A long slender sword was held at his side, accompanying a severe, taciturn expression as his dark gold eyes glanced briefly in the direction of the two church women causing his pursed lips to turn downwards into a frown. A woman with dark hair, dressed in a dark red, simple but elegant dress stood next to him. Despite his severe expression, he paid the two of them no mind and instead addressed those in attendance. “Glad to see everyone here could make it,.” Despite his stern looks there was an air of levity to his words that contrasted their sharpness .“Some uninvited guests spoiling the fun aside I do hope everyone can enjoy themselves this evening.” A few other nobles exchanged pleasantries and returned a greeting. Livia would not be far behind, approaching the Lord with a friendly expression. His expression in turn, soured only slightly but ultimately returned the greeting. “I look forward to spending more time with you here this fine day, but there is a slight issue I must attend to first.” “Well, I won’t keep you for long, Lord Havershel. Just a routine business I assure you.” “Well then, Miss Fiore shall we get this unpleasant business over with so we can both enjoy the evening a little more?” [hr] [@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99] “Hmph, of course I’m his son! You act like you’ve never seen me before.” He’d narrow his eyes at the trio before huffing. “You must be new, huh…of course he’d be fine with it! There’s not a place in this manor I can’t get to.” He’d confidently state with a somewhat smug grin. “Now get lost, go clean the toilets or whatever it is you new maids do. I’ve got…things to do!” The young Havershel ran off, proceeding to run off down the hallway towards a set of stairs running up towards the second floor. “Ah, what are you three standing around for?” It was just as he did so, that the three were hurriedly approached by an older maid. “Follow me we need to make sure the gardens are ready for the next event already. ” She was quickly urging the maids along to follow her, though they would likely lose the boy for a bit if they went along with her.