[@WhiteAngel25] Welcome to the team! XD [@Martian] All those ideas seem awesome! Though, with the mention of Steel and the Death of Superman arc, I should note that the first appearance of both Bizarro and Doomsday are tied into my ideas for the greater plot, and so I had planned for those to happen at some point after the start of the RP. However, I think I've devised a way to make Steel's origin work with this continuity: In the early days of the Justice League, while rebuilding after the Reach invasion, the other Kryptonian spacepods were uncovered, which contained General Zod and a team of high-ranking military officers who had been commanders in the Apokkian Wars. In this continuity, Zod is not a villain (at least not yet), and is devastated that the war went on without them and has now been over for thousands of years. Their original plan was to use Earth to breed new super soldiers for the conflict, but the cryogenic stasis never released them as expected and they slumbered for millennia. Wanting to learn more about his people, Kal-El accompanied Zod and the other Kryptonians to search the shattered remains of their homeworld, and then completely vanished. Many people assumed Superman had either died or abandoned them for his own kind, and were relieved when he returned seven months later. So, John Henry Irons could have been operating as Steel during that period. As for why Superman was gone so long, he explains that they got pulled into an ongoing conflict with a large slaver fleet led by a rogue AI system and an army of robots. After defeating the fleet and all the back-up drives of the AI (who will eventually return as Brainiac in our RP), Zod and his team continued on deeper into space and Superman returned to Earth. So, that gives a Death of Superman-like event for Steel's origin while also preserving Bizarro and Doomsday for my idea XD.