[color=00a651][center][h3]Agar [/h3][/center] [center][h3]// a quiet stroll through the forest >> Scouting and new faces //[/h3][/center][/color] Agar stopped dead in his tracks at the notification he received. It looked oddly familiar to what he had seen when he first came here but didn’t quite understand what he was seeing, ingest skill or continue biomass accumulation. Strange options in a strange world. He thought about what it said about skills and wondered what exactly would be the best option. Ultimately, he decided to keep eating the rubbery exterior of the slime with the expectation that he would likely get the opportunity to find more slimes in the future for his tool ideas. He continued to walk and think; his steps were slow and precise. Each step just on the ball of his feet, minimizing surface area and occasionally glancing down to map out his path through the forest. This was how he would stalk prey in Montana while hunting. Not slow enough so that he was tip toeing but definitely not rushing through the forest either. His eyes darted around his surroundings while he kept himself deliberately a little lower to minimize his presence the best he could. He knew this bodies reflexes and muscles were not ready for this but practice makes perfect. Occasionally still eating the slime to see if the assimilation rate rose with it. Then he suddenly started to hear and see another smaller group of Runts patrolling the forest as well. They seemed a little beat up but determined to keep pressing further uphill from the direction he was going. He didn’t hide himself but he did observe them and what they had, noticing the leaves meant for a simple bandage and the smell of ash and barbeque. He waved to them and a sudden realization occurred to him, he wasn’t too sure who else may be came from the same world he did but he could always try to nonchalantly do something that would or could show them that he was reborn. This idea was not something he intended to do towards the adults but figured he could brush off the attempt to just being weird towards the other runts. He decided on using a reference from his kids favorite animated movies. Looking at them with a slight glare as he chewed on the last bits of slime in his hand. [color=00a651]“any of ya seen Shrek or donkey around?”[/color] Taking another bite of his slime and looking towards them inquisitively, a pang of sadness crossed his mind for a moment with the thought of his children but he couldn't linger on it. He honestly didn’t want to join the other runts he wanted to continue to scout the area. He wanted to bring back more than one kill hoping that the head warrior would see that although he was selfish for eating for himself first but still had enough smarts to look out for the tribe and its wellbeing. He doubted it for some reason but for now he would wait to see how this group reacted. [hr] [@Zeroth] << [u]Current Quest:[/u] Find Something to Eat and Bring it Back Whole. [u]Hunt Selected:[/u] Random [u]Inventory:[/u] Slime membrane, loincloth, stick, sharp rock [u]Location:[/u] Into the forest <<