[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=8181F7]Zelda Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/f72a249d6a5ee483ec6b75c95a58c9d7/7c92a46d7b3081d5-75/s250x400/417ca683063aa6f4429bc8f0a8b24b15a7dcdbee.gifv[/img][hr][b][color=8181F7]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room B [b][color=8181F7]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Zelda whirled around as both Danni and Dorian spoke to her about "confidence" which to her was insanely condescending. They had already made it clear that they had wanted April on their team, so why the hell were they even talking to her. [color=8181F7]"How about you two just leave me alone already, I know you'd rather have April here and hate the fact that it's me so stop being condescending about everything already and leave me alone!"[/color] Yup, at the moment she was trying really really hard to hold back her emotions again. That was part of the reason she typically held back on her emotions, was because if they went crazy or something, then she could effect everyone around her. No one seemed to get that, at all. Her powers if they went out of control, could effect not just her or her opponents, but those on the same side of a fight as her which could then start a domino effect. [color=8181F7]"I don't even fully want to be here. I prefer to make the costumes for the heroes that are durable and maybe even beneficial to their abilities, then do the fighting since my powers can screw with everyone, not just me or someone I'm fighting... So maybe I should just leave already and make it easier for all of you at this point... I'm better on the stealthy quiet side of things anyway..."[/color] After her initial outburst she was now back to talking in her fairly quiet normal voice, preferring to keep her voice down and quieter now. It did help her to keep out of sight at times. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=05794C]Zarina Raynordattir[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/ff103ecbe208749cabd38be60edc4b33/03a71bf746dd9e7d-7b/s400x600/f7c0e8b03abbe7168d5c827317478ebf97a20bed.gif[/img][hr][b][color=05794C]Location:[/color][/b] Framework [b][color=05794C]Skills:[/color][/b] Technopathy, Hacking, Computer Programming, Integrated Circuits, and Computer Systems[hr][hr][/center] Zari wasn't entirely sure what sort of arena they were in. However she did notice the sort of central area that seemed to house a bunch of weaponry of various types. She did contemplate whether or not to go straight there and grab something, but then a small voice in the back of her mind stopped her. It was pointing out that a lot of people would be heading that way in order to grab something, so it might be a better idea to think of something else. That decision was made easily for her when Leah created a large wall or something around it blocking everything that was there. Another thought on how to get herself a weapon crossed her mind and she couldn't help but smirk slightly. She was a technopath, in a computer simulation. Which to an extent could make her a god in the program. Her mind shifted as she started using her powers, managing to get herself into the code without too much effort, and she held out her hand. Around her others would see something like a few bits of code or as if something was glitching around her, before a sword appeared in her hand, a replica of the size and weight of her own sword. That made things a bit easier for her over all, and she couldn't help but giggle a bit as she twirled it around a bit. [color=05794C]"Oh this will definitely be fun,"[/color] she said with a smile, before hopping off of her own starting platform and heading towards where others were or what they were doing.