[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] [i]Dear Barracker I am writing to inform you on my promotion. I have been sent to Capitol City, to continue my work under an Archbishop. I am really excited. I have work so hard for this, my only regret is that I will be further away from home. And you. My feelings still remain the same. I do not care what you have become. You’re still the barracker i know and the Barracker I love. If your work ever leads you to Capitol City. I shall be at the Basilica Magna Decoris. I will always be yours. Evelyne[/i] Barracker could smell her scent still, that strong smell of jasmine with amber notes. He held the parchment to his nose. A sad smile crept on his face. He read the letter for the twentieth time, maybe more. As the sun began to rise he put it away. Areleth had been busy so he did not get a chance to ask him why he was put forward so hastily for this mission. He knew to meet James at the ‘The Mended Drum’, in the morning. Barracker donned his armour, hooked his claymore and enormous tower shield in a cross shape onto his back. He was outside ‘The Mended Drum’, in good time. He leaned his weapons against the wall and took a seat on the bench at the side of the building opposite the inn, making sure to be in the shadow with a view of the door. He did not know the other members of Second Chances, so he would wait to see James.