[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230605/b188b8e9cb2b405065c58f91ded076a7.png[/img][hr][img]https://media.tenor.com/rLjTeD6cKhQAAAAC/dr-strange-doctor.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@PatientBean][@Blizz][@Kirah][@KazAlkemi][hr][h3][color=FF0000][b]Limbo[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] I wish you were not here, little one. This realm is no place for a child. It is a place of horrors and nightmares, but the loss I fear you may experience... the trauma endured by Miss Rasputina... it is a sin I cannot bear to see repeated. And yet, the magic of my station chose you. I could do nothing to stop it. The skeletal horses, strangers to kindness and bedfellows to cruelty, took off in fear at your touch. They cart you along with them, clinging to the chariot for dear life. They bound off aimlessly into the hedge maze, turning at random. At the speed they are going, you will soon be separated from the others - from the Sorcerer of Reality and the Sorceress of Divination. I hope they find a way to catch up to you, little one, or the horses will be the least of your concerns. You see, child, the hedge maze is alive. And it hungers for flesh. [center]* * *[/center] Sorceress of Evocation, Sorcerer of Umbramancy, and Sorceress of Transmutation - you three walk calmly towards the Tower. Yet the land itself seems to be alive and shifting, the Tower moving towards [i]you[/i] as you move towards it. The effect is dizzying - I hope that you all have strong stomachs. I must ask you again to heed this omen. Brace yourself, for the Tower is of Revelation. The tower is tall, taller than your mind can comprehend. It is covered in dead vines, and skulls of vaguely humanoid shape litter the ground around it. The small windows have no light, save for one at the very top, so high up that it hurts your neck to crane and see it. The mood is already ominous and foreboding, as you hear an ear piercing [i]scream[/i]. It came from the top of the tower. [center]* * *[/center] You make your way to the cemetery gate, Sorceress of Curses. Your unwitting companions do not follow you - at least, not yet. Perhaps that is for the best. The mantle of Sorcerer Supreme is lonely and the path you must walk lonelier still. Had I not had pity on a friend, I would still be alive. This may be a correction for my mistakes. When you arrive at the cemetery, it seems to stretch on for miles, as far as the eye can see. The names on the tombs are in a tongue that you cannot read, but the images make their impressions. Cherubs are carved onto these tombs. These are infant graves. If you would walk deep into the cemetery, you would notice a mausoleum sits at its center. Its entranceway is weakly lit by two torches, struggling to maintain their flames. The temperature plummets and the wind howls. You see your breath in the air in front of you. You have never known such cold before. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa the Grey[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/db4f97a911c55834e8956c78fb0d486b.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=#a81a75]Spells:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Prudence. A lovely name, if it were true. Runa was far too old and untrusting to give her name to a stranger. They knew the sorts of magic that could be worked with such things. They would have to scold the children for this action later. Prudence was unknown, but Runa had known Edus. He ought to have known better. [color=#a81a75]"A friend, yes,"[/color] Runa agreed. His words did not help her much to contextualize what era he came from. They had known each other briefly - less than the span of a Midgardian's lifetime, of which Runa had now lived trillions. They chuckled slightly. [color=#a81a75]"Your aid is more valuable that just knowledge, my old friend. My body is weak and tired, and my eyes long since gone. My staff is sufficient, but a guiding hand would be a welcome kindness."[/color] They did not wish to expend magic to see at the moment. If they had, they might have noticed the cemetery beckoning them - or that Prudence had walked off without a word. Instead, Runa surmised that the young sorceress was simply quiet. She could understand that. She had been much the same at that age. There had been a century of time when their parents had thought they had gone mute. [color=#a81a75]"Pray tell, what did your letter say?"[/color] Runa then inquired. They reached a hand into the pocket of the cloak, feeling a stiff piece of paper. They pulled it out. [color=#a81a75]"And am I to surmise that this is a letter from poor Stephen as well?"[/color]