[b][h2][color=889194]Captain Argus Fellborn[/color][/h2][/b] If Giles' assessment was correct, over half the village had been wiped out by this attack. The locals wouldn't be able to withstand something like this happening again. The vampires couldn't afford losing the rest of these people- even if the gorebats had accumulated a good quantity of blood from the dead, it was a limited supply that would run out eventually. They needed these people to stay alive. He was also unsure what the deal was between Julene and Giles. It was quite evident that in hindsight, Giles' measures had not been enough to protect the town, and that Julene blamed him for this disaster. However, he knew next to nothing of the situation here, and whether Julene's accusations held water. Was this something that could have been foreseen a league away? Some fortifications- stakes, palisades, watch towers- would have saved lives, but even so probably would've only delayed the inevitable without the vampires' intervention. At this point, it didn't matter. With the losses they took, hunkering down and hardening the town against future attacks wasn't feasible anymore. In his experience as a pirate, a weakened settlement like this would make a tempting target. One option would be go go on the offensive, track down and butcher every beast and errant undead in the woods, but that could prove to be a slow undertaking for a small band of vampires. [color=889194]"I know very little of your situation, or the state of this city,"[/color] Argus stated. [color=889194]"Miss Akyasha, what do you think? Do you believe that the city would be any safer for these people?"[/color] Giles claimed that it was overrun with beasts and undead, but given what he had seen of these woods, was that really any different than here? [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]