Moving forward, I really do want to help address the breakdown of communication that seems to keep happening. If I'm to provide transparency to the players, then I also need the players to provide transparency to me. I've seen a lot of mentions of people going back and forth in their DMs with other players, and there seems to be a general consensus that there's a lack of respect on my part toward the player base. This is not an intentional endeavour on my part. If you have a problem, my DMs, PMs etc, are open, I want you to come to me and voice a concern. I can't do anything about problems that are only being talked about amongst yourselves, and tone gets lost in the general meme-ry of the Discord. I do want to work with each player, I enjoy creating plots for your characters and throwing nods and candies into posts for you to use and work with. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to sit down and craft a post to continue this world, and while my own sense of humour can be quite abrasive, or maybe doesn't translate well in the Discord, generally speaking, if I'm taking the time to talk to you, I like you. Whenever I've made a decision in the past, for the most part, I'm doing it for the betterment of the game. I understand that adding an additional twelve players to the roster is considered to be one of my many blunders, and honestly, yeah I see it in hindsight. I can see how adding twelve additional players was sort of a slap in the face that says 'you weren't doing good enough,'. But for me, it was more that you all seemed to be having so much fun, that why don't we spread it around? I wish I could have clarified that then. I've always been of a 'the more, the merrier' type of GM. But there is a lot about that situation I'd like to go back and change. But ultimately, I also can't imagine the game without those who joined during that recruitment drive. I went digging through the thread and the Discord for some sort of pushback against the original expansion, and while I do recall a player or two vocally expressing an opinion, I ultimately wasn't able to find much. I'm sure someone has it loaded and ready to go, but ultimately it doesn't matter much at this point because what's done is done. Prior to the latest GM post, my last update in the IC was thirty days ago as of today. Up until fifteen days ago today, we still had a steady stream of posts, meaning prior to my now rescinded post about the RP ending, we only had a period of ten days without a post. I understand it's frustrating when the GM doesn't uphold their end of the bargain. And I again apologize for missing my posting mark. I also apologize for presenting what was intended to be an open discussion as a binary choice. Further to that, I did not intend to make it seem like I ignored people's opinions by continuing P.R.C.U., but there was also not a majority consensus. Seven out of seventeen players responded, with only three being a firm 'end it' opinion. The others seemed to want it to continue in some fashion. Maybe I misunderstood and that solely meant as a community without me. But I hoped it meant continuing PRCU. I think this leads to my last ([i]latest?[/i]) mess up, in that by 'relaunching' PRCU, I wasted the time of those who were gearing up for Hound and Roman's game. To clear the air, I never asked either to reject PRCU characters and I especially never asked them to say no to [@mickilennial] using the character they had submitted here. I have never exercised or voiced any desire to influence Ju-V and the actions taken there were solely of Hound and Roman. I respect their time, their effort and honestly am a little envious of how quickly they built a setting that in many ways has elements I never considered for P.R.C.U. in such a short time. Long post short, I suck at showing you guys appreciation. I'm not going to lie, there are plenty of times you make me want to pull my own hair out. But I can't do this game without you, I created the setting but you guys brought it to life. I want you to feel like you're appreciated here and that your hard work matters. So while I understand that a lot of the initial trust is gone, I hope that I can work to rebuild it and write this game together. As Roman touched upon in his last post, moving forward, any changes to the game, outside of plot-specific details, will be brought before the existing player base to ensure you are heard and if someone doesn't voice an opinion, I will be approaching them directly. That all said, I'm done with recruitment drives, team swaps, and definitely don't intend to abandon the RP. I realize that words ultimately hold little value, so here's to actions and making PRCU to 1000 posts and beyond. Thank you again to everyone who has participated thus far and additional thanks to everyone who has managed to hang on to this ride still.