[@Zarkun] The floating pumpkin creature looked at Jason worriedly as he spat out rocks and dirt, which was still an improvement to nearly meeting the fine edge of a Scyther's blade though perhaps he didn't feel like it was given that he had a pebble in his nose. It did however perk up when the trainer asked about a woman that never leaves this forest. [color=f6989d]"Pumpka? Pumpka!"[/color] It cried out, bouncing in the air before it dashed off. It turned around to check if Jason was following it. [color=f6989d]"Pumpka,"[/color] the Pumpkaboo yelled out as if to say 'This way!' Considering what he had experienced before in the forest, it would have been against his own better judgement to go and follow a Pokemon that may lead him to his doom though this was his only lead. Jason had already learned first had that the forest was a one way death trap for many that were not prepared; the residents of this forest were quite prone to murder and wanton violence. Was he really going to trust this Pokemon to lead him through? (GM Note: Please make your decision before reading forward) [hider=If Jason Follows] Taking a leap of faith, Jason would decide to follow the helpful Pumpkaboo through the forest. Through the mist, past the webs, over the roots, and past the edges with running rivers he would not miss a step as was led by the ghost. It always made sure to stop to make sure that he did not fall behind though luckily he never did. It was hard to be sure if the Pumpkaboo was actually helping him or was just having a lark with leading him around randomly. Still, it was leading Jason in a way that avoided any confrontations with any of the wild Pokemon. After an undeterminable amount of time, Jason would arrive at a clearing. [hider=Welcome to] [center][h1]Helga's Retreat[/h1] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/30314805-0284-4dac-99bc-19935cbc4642/d7ovikf-714e5daa-7c67-45ec-a940-758d3d47300b.jpg/v1/fill/w_1023,h_596,q_75,strp/cabin_in_the_woods_by_raphtor_d7ovikf-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTk2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzAzMTQ4MDUtMDI4NC00ZGFjLTk5YmMtMTk5MzVjYmM0NjQyXC9kN292aWtmLTcxNGU1ZGFhLTdjNjctNDVlYy1hOTQwLTc1OGQzZDQ3MzAwYi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyMyJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.nz_UHKBjOH9c0mb4PHG0-zmv7Zu64f6Lx_grkJySV6U[/img] [/center] To find this cabin this deep in the woods meant someone really went out of their way to find this place. Anyone could tell that if a person lived all the way out there, then they were someone that wanted to be well enough alone. It was a dark, damp place; the only source of light were those coming from the cabin itself. At first glance it would appear that way, but there were more orbs of light floating around and with no close inspection needed they were all Pumpkaboo of great proportions though apart from that they seemed to be the only Pokemon to be around. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PTgIu7S.png[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]Pokedex Entry #710-Pumpkaboo, the Pumpkin Pokemon. Supersized Pumpkaboo are very partial to the spirits of people who were of similarly superior proportions. Pumpkaboo of this size are said to be the product of areas where a great number of lost souls lingered. [/color][/i] [/center] The cabin itself was well maintained on the outside though one could hardly imagine anyone living somewhere like this. It was completely isolated from the rest of the world, true isolation. There were no people, no civilization, nothing. In most cases, most people run away from finding a lone cabin in the woods in fear of being chopped up into tiny pieces or find someone in a hockey mask rise from the water. Is whatever that needs to be done worth it? [hider=Suggested Actions] 1. Find Pokémon.[i]Can be specified what kind of Pokémon is being searched for, and how you search[/i] 2. Talk. [i]Only one person here to talk to.[/i] 3. Exit. [i]Exit the area.[/i] 4. Specify. [i]If you specify what you want to do, the GM will take it into account and tell the result.[/i] 5. Trigger random event. [i]Force the GM to use his imagination to make a scenario for you.[/i] 6. Go to the cabin. [i]Knock on it. See what happens.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Starbor Forest-Deep Woods: Helga's Cabin] Common: #710-Pumpkaboo [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=If Jason Does Not Follow] After a near death experience the day prior, Jason saw it best to avoid its aid in fear that it would lead him astray. These woods were not a kind place and if yesterday was proof of anything, it was that Pokemon could be just as malicious as human beings so he'd rather take his chances with the woods than possible deception. Jason would continue to walk through the woods aimlessly in search of Helga's residence when he felt the ground give way and fell down into what he would discover to be a pit trap. He would sit on his butt looking up only to see bipedal Pokemon with leaves on their head looking down at him, laughing at what they had caught. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qnckqH3.png[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]Pokedex Entry #274-Nuzleaf, the Wily Pokemon. Nuzleaf live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally venture out of the forest to startle people. This Pokémon dislikes having its long nose pinched. [/color][/i] [/center] The only thing Jason could do is climb up. [/hider] [hr] [@samreaper] As Tristan bore witness, this Gossifleur sang it's cheerful, beautiful tune. It was as if nature itself was singing through this adorable little flower. Eventually, its song would reach a climatic end and would land back on the ground. It had a self-satisfied look on its face when it heard clapping behind it. [color=a2d39c]"Gos?"[/color] The shiny little diva looked curiously towards the source of the applause. It did not expect to actually have an audience, albeit an audience of one, but an audience nonetheless. Still, being the natural little showman it was the Gossifleur gave Tristan a bow with a flourish from its stubby arms. [color=a2d39c]"Gos!"[/color] It seemed to respond to Tristan's comment with a charming smile and swayed around in the wind with a gentle dance as if just to show off its performing prowess. What does Tristan do? [hr] [@Sanguine Rose] The man's eyes widened when Faye asked if there was something wrong. He just looked tired as if he already had a long day even though it was still the morning. She had never heard a man sigh as heavily as he did, as if the air was being forced out of his lungs. With great exhaustion he said, [color=#4fbd00]"Oh, um, it's my grandfather. We were supposed to receive a shipment of apricorns from an associate from route 1, but for some reason they failed to do so... again. That stubborn Mudsdale of a man went to meet them though knowing him he's probably going to make the situation worse."[/color] It did not take a genius to figure out how a business not receiving its building materials was a detrimental. If the store did not have apricorns then it meant that they could not make Pokeballs and if they could not make Pokeballs, then they could not fill up their stock, and without their stock they had no business. [color=#4fbd00]"I wanted to go with him, but he refused to close the shop so I'm stuck here.[/color] What does Faye do?