[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Training Room B [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [color=E948FC]"Whoa, whoa, whoa! On se calme, on se calme!"[/color] Danni held his hands placatingly. [color=E948FC]"I didn't mean dat. Yeah, Poisson-Pas broke me, but I ain't know jack from shit about you so we're still chill. 'onestly, I'm just surprised ya ain't a toddler or somet'in'. Princess always mentioned the little sister and I coulda swore she said she was like, I dunno, five? But we can do dinner sometime, 'ave a little spa night, make an evenin' of it, ya know? Oh, Beanie, we can invite Zelds ta our fashion show! Did we ever pick a place, btws? I vote for middle of t'e school entrance, flirt wit' t'e stage craft group and see if t'ey'll put somet'ing' toget'er for us. T'at way [i]everyone[/i] can bask in our beauty!"[/color] Danni clapped at his own idea, but his thoughts hit a stand still at Nemo's interruption. [color=E948FC]"Aw yeah, that's my Beanie! Best of t'e best, t'at's why she's t'e bestest Bean- Wait."[/color] Danni whirled on Nemo from where he was congratulating Sabean to face Nemo. [color=E948FC] "Poisson-Pas, why didn't you tell me we were competin'? Like, I don't wanna pick t'e teams, t'at sounds like responsibility and I'm 'ere ta kick butt and 'ave fun, but I wanted to compete! Dee, Beanie, what was the competition? Can we 'ave a redo? Not t'at you don't deserve it Beanie, but I wanna play too!"[/color] Danni whined. Danni was too caught up in the whole fuck-Nemo-up-physically-and-mentally thing and he'd missed whatever they were competing over! Not cool! And then Beanie didn't want to be on a team with him. What the hell? Princess didn't give a damn they were on different teams, Poisson-Pas didn't give a damn 'bout them as people since all they were was to make 'im look good as a judge's team and he had the audacity to leave Danni out of the competition of whatever the challenge was, and now Beanie didn't want to be with him. Did he smell? Was he having a breakout? Danni freaked out and quickly used his phone to check his face, sighing when he didn't see anything. He opened his mouth to protest, and loudly he'd like to add, but Beanie gave him the look that meant she was scheming and Danni paused, instead opting to link his arm through Dee's and propping his arm on Zelda's shoulder. [color=E948FC] "Well, since Beanie 'ere thinks she can kick our buttons, we'll just 'ave ta prove her wrong. Tie us up, Poisson-Pas!"[/color] Danni demanded, the emotional roller coaster of a day making him buzz with more energy than normal. He definitely needed an outlet and the obstacles course was as good as any.