[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Uo0t3m3.png[/img] [h1][color=D2691E]Farim[/color][/h1] [color=D2691E][b]Location:[/b] Sorian Beach[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Time:[/b] Morning of 23rd[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Mentions:[/b][color=BBC7E1]Charlotte[/color] [@princess], [color=palevioletred]Olivia[/color] [@potter], and [Color=salmon]Lorenzo[/color] [@FunnyGuy][/color] [/center] [color=D2691E][center]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center][/color] [center] Farim paid attention to the trio as they shifted and reacted to his presence. His smile stayed wide, but his eyesbrows instinctively raised at Lorenzo's initial statements. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he waved his hand over the sun. [color=D2691E]"Trust me, Sir. There is no blocking the almighty sun. But I shall keep note to not give you too much shade this fine day. I hope you end up as bronze as myself by the end of the morning."[/color] He stepped around him, before hearing him ask about if anymore of "him" would be coming. He turned around and placed his hands on either hip before smirking. [color=D2691E]"I do not know, Sir Duke. Are any more of [i]you[/i] coming?"[/color] His quip wasn't meant to be harsh, only to imply that such a question was rather silly. [color=D2691E]"I am not tied to the hips of my other family members but if you are scared of them...I shall run, how you say....interference."[/color] He laughed lightly and turned to look at Charlotte, who was flashing a rather cute smile and handing him a well made sandwhich. With an elegant bending of the knee, and a crossing of his legs, he sat right next to Charlotte as he took the sandwhich from her hand. He took a rather eager bite as the various ingredients filled his mouth. He closed his eyes and relished in the blending of bread, meats, cheese, and veggies. With his other hand he gave an enthusiastic thumbs up and swalloed the chunk of sandwhich, turning to speak to her. [color=D2691E]"That was simply deli-oh!"[/color] Not realizing how close he got, he was mere inches from her face before his eyelids lowered and a smirk pulled on the corner of his mouth. [color=D2691E]"My apologies. Personal space is a big thing here I presume."[/color] He pushed himself only a mere inch away from her to give her some breathing room, but he wouldn't be surprised if she moved to look for more room for herself. He took another big bite of the sandwhich, the pure joy evident on his face as he savored the flavor. [color=D2691E]"This really is a nice sandwhich, Charlotte."[/color] Leaning forward, he looked at this new friend of his, Olivia, and held his half-eaten sandwhich up. [color=D2691E]"Miss Livvy, I implore you to try one of these."[/color] He realized her bow was not met with one of his own, so from his seated position he gave a bow with the top half of his body, still likely pushing into Charlotte's bubble without meaning to impeded for too long. [color=D2691E]"I like your beach here. It reminds a little of home but with nice water instead of neverending dunes."[/color] He chomped another chunk of his meal and quickly swallowed it before addressing the group as a whole. [color=D2691E]"Do you all often come out here?"[/color] [/center]