"Would even a goddess make no mistakes? I wonder. They do not always agree, after all. And the very basis of our language (which they gave us) is the belief that there is always another way to say something. Regardless, you are correct: it is impossible for any of us to be so perfect that we do not hurt anyone, and it will remain so until we are at least as old as the stars are now. You have hurt people, Kiriala, though I am certain you did not intend to. And you have hurt people, Isabelle Lozano, and I hope that that was unintentional as well." She pauses and gives the girl a long look that says the recent match against Ksharta Talonna is not far from her mind. But she dances on beat and lets the moment pass without so much as a shrug. "I have also hurt people, quite intentionally. And I have failed to hurt them, unintentionally. I have in fact made every mistake it is possible to make, and I will make them all again before I die. Solarel? She has hurt many people, yes. But none of them more deeply or more cruelly than she hurts herself. Forgive me, but in the Consortium is it not the custom to pay large out large sums to acquire outcomes you deem desirable? Why should saving the soul of the most beautiful woman in creation not fetch a commensurately exorbitant price?" The music shifts, becoming slower and more intimate as if in stubborn resistance of the commotion happening all up and down the great spiral of the gala. Mirror presses herself in closer, finally adjusting the rhythm or her motions to be more akin to a heartbeat rather than a deliberate act of semi-rebellion against the local conductor. Her body is warm. Her fur is soft. Her eyes are half-lidded, but looking up. A show of trust mixed with caution. Her tail flicks behind her and brushes her Squire's cheek as a reward for her boldness. "You asked a question. 'Will anyone be hurt?' Yes, I imagine so. In the first place it is very much my intention to drag that so-called 'fashion designer' into the light and skewer her in front of everyone. It is also my intention that this message be broadcast specifically overtop the middle of my rematch with Solarel. This will functionally blank out a chunk of whatever we do. I imagine it will get several people fired. "I consider this irrelevant. Jobs are plentiful and the specifics of who one works for almost meaningless. Those who can acquire them will do so again and again with minimal effort. Those who cannot will hear my message and realize it is them I am speaking to. And then there is me. I will be harmed, yes. I hope to guard against even greater harm by doing this. If you wish for cleaner hands than the ones you have, I cannot help you. You must quit playing at being a pilot and retreat to a garden where you may tend the flowers in peace. But if you yearn for..." She stops completely. Stops even dancing, her feet locking in place. She opens her eyes all the way once more, and cranes her neck to pierce the eyes of the genius super-prodigy some call undefeatable. "No. I am going about this backwards. Hmhm, my Squire has so little left to learn from me already. She will graduate to becoming a knight before I am ready. I suppose I must make ready to become a Queen of some sort before her metamorphosis finishes. Very well! [i]You[/i] speak, Isabelle Lozano. Tell me about your troubles. Tell me about your hurts and who gave them to you. Tell me about your loves. It will be easier to see my heart if you show me yours."