[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k7cxvHi.jpg[/img] [h2][color=e68845]Sylvia Copeland[/color][/h2][/center] [hr][center] Day 1 [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=e68845]Time:[/color] Dusk/Evening [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=e68845]Weather:[/color] Light Rain [color=734e66]◈[/color][color=e68845]Location:[/color] Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=e68845]Participants: [/color]Sylvia Copeland [@LuckyBlackCat] Kaspaan Mustaven [@Deja][/center] [hr][hr] Behind the queue of students, a girl crept up through the hallway, hovering a few inches off of the ground so that nobody would hear her approach. A pair of slit-pupilled eyes, peering out from a black and gold cait mask, scanned the line. The corners of her lips twitched into a mischievous smile. Given the choice, Sylvia wouldn't be here. Exploring the grounds would have been much more appealing, save for two things. One, knowing Tessa, she'd make sure as many people as possible had to attend. Two, the weather would put a literal damper on roaming around. Rain drummed on the windows, droplets trickling down. So, here she was, adjusting the sash of the only [url=https://i.imgur.com/7ivdCPT.jpg]formal dress[/url] she owned, thankful it was at least relatively easy to move around in. Oh well, she supposed party food would make it all worthwhile, as would getting to pull a few pranks. Her gaze settled upon a familiar head of messy blond hair. Kaspaan Mustaven, her 'partner in crime', as she called him. As he busied himself materialising a mask of ice, Sylvia took advantage of his distraction. She snuck to the side, planted her feet lightly on the ground, and once he'd finished making his mask, leapt out at him. [color=e68845]"Mrooooowww!"[/color] Chuckling, she pushed her mask up. [color=e68845]"Hey Kasp! Good to see ya here."[/color] She glanced around, and lowered her voice. [color=e68845]"Well... Not so good that it's pretty much mandatory to be here, but you know what I mean. At least there'll be food."[/color] The underside of her nose tingled, turning dark like that of a cait, and she sniffed the air. A myriad of delectable scents wafted from the ballroom - pastries, various cheeses, sausages, smoked salmon. [color=e68845]"Pretty great food at that, by the smell of it."[/color]