[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie wandered down the corridor and ran into an old woman who introduced herself as the maid. After finding out that was a shower and clothes washing services, she gratefully accepted and took a towel on offer, then hopped in the shower while her clothes were washed and dried. Suprisingly, it took no more than a couple of hours sitting on her bed for the maid to come back with all of her clothes, clean and folded. [Colour=Pink]"Thank you so much,"[/colour] she said shutting the door. After combing her hair roughly with her fingers, she decided that her first order of business was to buy a change of clothes and some quality of life accessories. Washed, dressed and ready for the day, she went downstairs where came out of the backroom and took her order for breakfast. Luckily, Mytherians had similar options to her own world, so she requested ham, cheese and eggs on toast. A little fatty for her regular tastes but it had been a rough couple of days so she decided she deserved it. She sat down at a random table and sighed, not yet noticing any of her friends.