The night sky had cleared somewhat since they went down beneath into the tomb. Not completely, but visibility would be somewhat better for Sir Roger. His steed, of course, would have little problem seeing in even complete darkness. In the mean time, as the Griffin-riding knight departed, it was an opportunity for the others to take some time to recuperate before their target. However... "Just because we know where to look, doesn't mean that we should neglect any other opportunity to locate any clues," Velvetica stated as she examined the wreckage of the cultists' camp, "Perhaps we may find the currency they were paid in, which may lead us to the identity of our targets." Across the sea could have meant any number of cultures. Even if the Asharaadi was the most familiar to the Steel Princess, she suspected that they were not the ones they were dealing with. And indeed, some digging would reveal a pouch of gold coins in one of the largest tents, stamped with a distinctive face: A bald man with a braided beard. [hr] After some time in the air, both the griffin and the knight would spy a large fire. It was near to Ithillane territory, but did not appear to belong to their soldiers. Indeed, the domed red tents were distinct and unfamiliar. A number of figures were moving around, seeming to be eating and drinking, and having a rather raucous conversation in an unfamiliar tongue(especially from this distance). The also appeared to possess a large number of horses. No prisoners appeared to be currently visible, but it was the correct direction. [@Raineh Daze][@Psyker Landshark][@The Otter][@VKAllen][@Eisenhorn][@Crimson Paladin][@Conscripts][@HereComesTheSnow][@Octo][@PigeonOfAstora]