[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230607/9719f0615c71f2b71c737a47268a887a.png[/img][/center] Shin kept a hand on his sword as they entered the portal, ready for any kind of violence that might ensue the moment they crossed worlds. However what appeared before them was just a metal and concrete-based facility, not that dissimilar to some of the buildings that existed on his own home planet, probably a place for armed combatants based on the layout that he could perceive. Maybe this was the place where they stored their armor and weapons during their time of peace, it certainly looked like it was based on the equipment he could see laying around. [quote=The Godslayer] [color=#F09B9A]“Or perhaps, you want to step out of that door and brace for the worst? I wouldn’t recommend it, my deity opened the portal right here for a good reason y’know.”[/color] [/quote] Hearing the Godslayer explanation of the purpose of the facility -What was a 'Militar'?- he was ready to start exploring to see what he could find as he [i]was[/i] a little low on supplies, but before he could start rummaging around a new Champion joined their rooster. [quote=The Necromancer] [color=#9F3DB3]“I am afraid my addition seems to be last minute,”[/color] said Valentin, [color=#9F3DB3]“Perhaps one of you could inform me of what our goal in this world is to stop the corruption.”[/color] [/quote] He regarded the new arrival with calm, he was not expecting there to be any 'late arrivals' but Gods were fickle beings so he could see one withholding their Champion just to reveal them at the last minute, it was something he could see his own Lord doing. Looking closely and watching how they interacted with what appeared to be empty air he decided that either they were insane or a Necromancer, which was certainly a boon, Necromancers were something of a sacred profession back home, as they allowed for the fallen to keep fighting long after they had perished. [color=E3256B]"Greetings Hallowed Necromancer, I hope to join in fruitful cooperation with you and your spirits."[/color] Giving him a nod, he returned to inspect the equipment in the room, the first thing that grabbed his attention was the sword but he decided to forgo it as he already had one, next were the wands, staffs, and potions that seemed magical in nature but he also disregarded those, he was not a practicer of the arts having chosen a more martial inclined path. What did catch his interest were the other two devices, Guns he believed were the traduction from his base language, he had seen some like them back during some of the times of Conflict he participated in, not everyone in Carnagoria was fitted for physical conflict and there were a select few that didn't dabble or had no talent for the magical arts so in the image of their Lord they decided to overcome their weakness with a different path, crossbows, and guns were the result of that he believed. Even so, he had never quite seen one like the big one, hefting it on his shoulder like he had seen those gun users do he was surprised at first by the weight but quickly corrected himself, looking around he did a double take as he spotted the 'ammunition', the projectiles had more in common with the hand explosives he was accustomed to and if the design of this gun was like those he had observed then this singular gun likely spewed a very bad time for whoever found themselves at the end of the barrel. Nodding to himself he walked in the direction of the person who could help him understand how to use the strange device, [color=E3256B]"Greetings Godslayer, I require advice on the functioning of this device please."[/color]