[center][img]https://pa1.narvii.com/8026/496ec3b508ae1432b9b2a11f9e4f457f1d186c1cr1-1126-1125_00.gif[/img] [b][color=376877]Wordage:[/color][/b] [i]Less than 750 words (+1 points)[/i] [b][color=376877]Experience:[/color][/b] [i]14/20 EXP[/i] [b][color=376877]Location:[/color][/b] [i](The Under) Pizza Tower[/i] [/center] The hulking warrior snorted, frowning at the laughter of his fellow Seeker he clearly didn't quite [i]get[/i] exactly how insulting the honor of a floating pizza pie could be seen as something laughably absurd. Absurd or not, with a dismissive shrug Artorias grunted and brought his golden bottle of Estus to his lips, giving the healing draught a swig. With the likes of the big and laughably nefarious looking Pizza Face, covered in odd welts and bruises being pelted by magic and other things alike Artorias considered it the end of the fight, satisfied he had turned the golden flask disappearing as he knelt to retrieve Finstertöter from where he left it. [center][i][b]”Hello, hello.”[/b][/i][/center] The knights hands had only just wrapped around the hilt of the knicked and chipped blade laid out on the rough stone floor of the tower’s peak, Artorias' head tilted slightly with only his shining blue eyes and teeth visible behind the veil of his helmet but to those who could tell the knight looked livid, slowly growling as his grip tightened around his sword almost audibly cracking it with the sheer rage that was slowly overcoming him. Pizza Face though defeated was only naught but a contraption for the true opponent to step from the smoke was Pizza Head. "[color=376877]Ridiculous,[/color]" Artorias snarled through gritted teeth, this nonsense was beginning to wear at his nerves so he spat angrily as he turned fully "[color=376877]You should-[/color]" Artorias slowly moved as he spoke, with a controlled fury to his movements before he opened his mouth "[color=376877]-BE DEAD![/color]" roaring Artorias lost it, the enraged knight began closing distance at an alarmingly swift pace rushing full-on into the enemy like a bull seeing red. Slamming into the side of the Ogre that bellowed out in protest, yet the brute didn't budge only skidding back on his squat legs slamming the ground angrily with a gem covered club, the knight only narrowly rolling out of the way. Artorias responded in kind swinging his blade in quick succession one hand slashing and punching the monster. Unceremoniously, his vicious blows proved more than the brute could handle and with a monstrous groan it fell with a loud thud onto the ground. With the ogre dealt with the knight breathed raggedly turning his wild eyes to focus on one target: Pizza Head.