[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/1109308709353574480/Lucius_Dilore.png[/img][/center] [hr] Luc registered that the hair was a birthmark, but he was too busy staring incredulously at the guy who stole food from him. Did this guy think because he was some sort of- of- whatever he was, he could take food from Luc? Sure, the nice one made him a little uncomfortable because he didn't know what he wanted or like, noble manners, but food theives he was plenty familiar with and Luc was [i]not[/i] above biting his fingers off next time. He had an older brother; he knew how to play dirty and it came down to it, he'd start licking all his things to claim them. [color=mediumspringgreen]"Yeah, let's go explore. Place has got to have some cool hiding spots. Not that we'd ever need to hide, but you know when things get boring- not that magic is going to be boring but listening to people talk about one thing for too long makes me want to crawl out of my skin so at home, I'd just go wander around the forest on the edge of the farm but I don't really have that here and hiding places would be a good place to kinda calm down, you know? Plus, even us non-mages, well I guess I'm a mage now, know the stories about the things under Glynnwood. they're even worse than the magic monsters that'll eat your feet off if they dange off the edge of the bed or the ones that will take your teeth if you don't brush them because you don't deserve them."[/color] Luc went on, only stopping himself when he finally shoved something else in his mouth. He chewed the bread an approperiate amount before he swallow, avoiding the choking this time. [color=mediumspringgreen]"Oh, I'm Lucian, by the by. Friends call me Luc though."[/color] He pointed his finger at Food Theif. [color=mediumspringgreen] "Though, you can only call me that if you don't take anymore from me. I will bite you."[/color]