[@Octo] [@The Otter] Urden had been picking through the dead well before Boss said they should take some time to look for clues or the like. Yeah, clues, coin was coin, could always have it melted down if being foreign coin ended up being a problem. It was quickly turning out the dead didn't have much more than a few coins that was probably theirs before the untimely ends. Lucky him, he was quick to pocket any coin that didn't stand out from usual fair, and his search carried him into the camp itself, making a beeline for the second largest tent. Any group worth their effort never kept the treasury in largest tent with the command, condensing that much importance in one spot was a fool's errand. No, you kept the treasury coin in a separate place from the command, and sure enough his suspicions had paid off, literally in this case. The tent was littered and had been lived in, sure, but he took pride in knowing where it was most likely the less reputable kept their coin. The reputable were predictable, so that wasn't terribly impressive in comparison if it came up. The mercenary took one of the coins out of the pouch, tying the rest to his belt to be added to his personal stash once they returned to camp. Two things stood out to Urden as he turned the coin over in his hand, furrowing his brow as he tried to place the currency. It was absolutely foreign and he could at least tell who it wasn't from. It didn't match Asharaadi minting, beyond that he was at a loss. He hadn't sold his services abroad yet, so while he wasn't surprised that he didn't recognize the origin, it was annoying. He would have to compare to the Librans he was used to, make sure they were at least equivalent to what he was used to dealing in. If they happened to be worth more? All the better, but he wasn't about to go using coins that could be worth [i]less[/i] than standard currency. He wasn't a fool, and he had a feeling if anyone present knew, besides the Boss he suspected, where these coins came from it would be the Nem merchant. Tracking her down led him to find Cadmon was carrying the Nem after she apparently had a complete breakdown. Poor thing, not everyone was cut out to be in a fight with regular goons and soldiers, let alone the Doll Witch's creations. Not everyone was a soldier, or a warrior, but it didn't stop Urden from cracking a joke as he approached. Humor was a good way to cope, least as far as the mercenary was concerned, though he would turn to business soon enough. [color=lightblue]"Already trying to adopt the merchant, are we now? I don't think that's going to get you any discounts anytime soon. Found a modest pouch of coins, though I don't recognize them, though I could tell you where they aren't from. Any chance either of you might recognize them?"[/color] Urden would offer the foreign gold coin he had been holding for further investigation, though notably the pouch that contained the rest remained firmly tied to his belt. Better in his coffers than funding nefarious affairs like these cultists had been up to. Part of him was curious to see what either of them knew, though he was inclined to assume the merchant was the better odds for figuring out the origin of the coins. Though he wouldn't be making bets there, gambling was a damn stupid way to lose coin, and he would rather not waste hard earned coin on those kind of gambles.