[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pgOGtMj.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/x6Fcjb5.png[/img] [/center][right][b][code]The Reception Room - Bar.[/code][/b][/right][hr][@wikkit] [quote=Yazhu][b]"HEYMISTERTHATTHINGISABOMBTHATWILLEXPLODEIFITTOUCHESYOU!"[/b][/quote] ... Were the words that got Justin out of his self-pity stupor... He lifted his head and turned to see a giant ball of stone flying directly at him. His eyes shot open as he decided to act quickly - he hopped out of his chair and stuck his hand out as it glowed with a vibrant blue color. It shot a blast of blue ki and hit the stone ball and it exploded in mid-air before it could hit anyone. Justin sighed in relief... before he turned his attention onto the little creepy girl and the tall weirdo she was with. [color=cornflowerblue]"Hey! What's the big idea!"[/color] Justin shouted, [color=cornflowerblue]"Tryna [i]kill[/i] someone!?"[/color] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YFCJ57q.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Otv7My2.png[/img] [/center][right][b][code]World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Stage.[/code][/b][/right][hr][@BrokenPromise] [quote=Daniel][color=violet]"When you say Nin, I say ja! …Ja!... Ja!”[/color][/quote] Jaden's eye twitched for a hot second as he stared at this goofy-ass airhead motherfucker, a lot of what he said barely even registered to Jaden. What did register was the fact that his performance was ruined - Jaden looked over his shoulder and saw people excited and happy! He needed to fix things now before things were too late! He shook his head as he said, [color=olivedrab]"There's gon' be a real "issue with my sound" when I stick my mic up ya' ass!"[/color] Jaden started before his hand out, [color=olivedrab]"Now gimme the wire and stop playin' with me boy! And [i]hope[/i] I don't get a fight with you because I'll slam you in the face with my nuts."[/color] He grinned as he blew out a puff of weed smoke and said, [color=olivedrab]"Yeah that's right, I'll hit ya' with the ol' flyin' teabag."[/color] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/A6RKllW.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/4MYPeAu.png[/img] [/center][right][b][code]World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room.[/code][/b][/right][hr][@Kamen Evie] If Oh-Seven weren't already smiling; she would have been smiling more and more as Jill gushed about Gerard. Oh-Seven was quite familiar with his exploits; she knows everything that man did that has an internet footprint, after all! However, there were some things that Jill didn't know that would change the very idea of that man... possibly for the worst. That smile slowly crept off her face by the time Jill finished gushing about Oh-Seven's creator and her face was flat. [quote=Jill][color=LightSeaGreen]”But it really sucks we lost him so soon, gotta wonder what else a guy like that coulda come up with… Ah, sorry! Guess my mind went on a bit of a detour… Say, why’d ya wanna know? If you don’t mind me askin’, anyways.”[/color][/quote] It was finally Oh-Seven's turn to speak, and she realized that perhaps the best way to do this would be to be upfront and direct about it. [color=cyan]"I was his assistant, you probably never heard of me because I worked strictly behind the scenes as opposed to his other assistants, and...."[/color] Oh-Seven simply spoke with a completely flat tone as her eyes drifted downwards a bit. [color=cyan]"... MIRAGE's leader, Pariah, killed him. I don't know why, but I do know that he was working with them. But that isn't the issue."[/color] She sighed as she took a few steps off to the side and then she continued, [color=cyan]"He was working on a revolutionary project: the One-Hundred Series. One hundred robots were designed to uplift and assist humanity... and right before the Pariah killed him he released them - completed or not. However, there was a prototype he had shackled before working on the One-Hundreds: Oh-One, he called him. He was deemed a failure and kept as an assistant AI..."[/color] There was the feeling that Oh-One was already here, she looked around - eyes briefly flashing red as she scanned the fighters again. There were a few robots in the crowd much like her and she was worried one might be Oh-One in disguise. [color=cyan]"He escaped into the internet and somehow made himself a body. Which he has been using to hunt down the One-Hundreds... and he's [i]incredibly[/i] powerful."[/color] She gently grabbed onto Jill's wrist as she looked her in the eye. [color=cyan]"Whoever wins or loses this tournament; I need your help to stop him. Because he seeks to [i]"perfect"[/i] humanity... and God knows what [i]that[/i] entails."[/color]