[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (81/100) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Pizza Tower [b]Word Count:[/b] Less than 750 [/center] This so called "Pizza face" really wasn't all that difficult to take down. That was, until it opened up and showed itself to be a mech. A mech driven by... [color=92278f]"What is THAT hideous creature?"[/color] Sectonia said, even more repulsed as he seemed to grab through solid earth before pulling up more creatures of equally hideuousness. That and his horrible movements and motions... [color=92278f]"I will not stand such an abomination to be in our way."[/color] Sectonia said, starting the fight by throwing her large rings of light. While the large rings scattered across the battlefield, weaving, wobbling, and zig zagging all about, Pizza Head and his... alien motions gave him the proper movement to dodge the randomly moving rings. With a hop, step, even some jazz hands, Pizza face jumped, danced, and even stood still to dodge the random rings as if he could see where they were going to be. That or perhaps he was insane as he pointed and laughed at the queen bees attempts to hit him. This didn't help Sectonia's mood at all, and as Pizza Face was laughing at her attempts, Sectonia used her blink ability to blink over him and with a staff in her hand, bombarded him with her dark lightning. He stood there, laughing as lightning hit him, until eventually, either due to his power or poor mental faculties, reacted with a yelp as he jumped out of the way. At least it could feel her wrath. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to strike the fool down, Sectonia swapped her staff out for her swords and charged to slash the pizza man. Pizza head in return countering with an oversized boxing glove, knowing Sectonia back and hurting... quite a lot? it was as if she took 7 more blows of that caliber she'd be done for. And again, after doing his move, he pointed and laughed at the queen, dropping his guard entirely. Sectonia used this opportunity to slash as him from behind with an overhead swing coming out of her blink, which again, Pizza head seemed to feel. Apparently this creatures own insanity caused him to drop his own guard... Her other cohorts were likewise dealing with the summons that this Pizza Head pulled out form nowhere relatively fine, leaving Sectonia and a few others to deal with the big guy himself.